Anonymous urges PayPal boycott, LulzSec founder arrested (not?)

I was really trying to point out that anom being discrete wouldn't have been beneficial. They needed all the help they could get. I was also trying to address the nobility of our tax dollars paying for bullets and bombs. Pointing out old news seemed necessary. Yes we can be proud that in this case our tax dollars and student loans or rather the interest on them helped fund Americas support. (and drain our taxes maybe, I dont know if the interest from student loans out weighs those who never pay them back) But as a whole I am not proud that my tax dollars and student loan repayment interest goes to fueling other wars and support started by greed. No I am not some all around anti war protester in case your wondering.

Yeah we make tons off selling arms, blood diamonds blah yeah its terrible. Topics that if people did as much foot work about as they did complaining might actually come to a happy ending. Captain my captain I'v been wanting to study a great deal more history lately, your recollection on guns might be the nudge I needed.

I like anom, if I was dedicated enough to be a hacker or in this case a great hacker I might help them out. I say great because I would want to know what the hell I was doing if I was going to risk 15 years in prison. I believe there are better ways to spend your time if your trying to help the world. But if you know how to hack and got some big balls joining anom seems to be the way to go.

Suffice it to say, that all of man's problems start right here in Genesis I, vs 26:
And God said, Let us make man according to our image and likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the flying creatures of heaven, and over the cattle and all the earth, and over all the reptiles that creep on the earth.

Wow, how's that for hubris....?

This is where man disavows that he is actually just another animal, and consequently becomes unable to attach his territorialism, greed, violence, and will to dominate everything around him, as the very simplistic, "survival of the fittest" behaviours that they actually are. He becomes a "philosopher".

I told a girl in a bar once that I was indeed, "a philosopher". She replied, "oh you're out of work, huh"?

In any event, idealism is wonderful, it's a pity it's wasted on the young". (I think I'm paraphrasing Mark Twain there).

There is a theory that man is better at transmitting scientific knowledge across generations, than moral knowledge. This is evidenced by the fact we don't reinvent the wheel every 20 years or so, but it has to hammered into every teenage girl's head at puberty, that getting pregnant in the freshman year of high school in a really bad idea.

After many generations of the successful transmission of technical knowledge, and the imperfect transmission of moral knowledge, what you wind up with is basically, a chimpanzee armed with nuclear weapons.

So as far as spouting all this crap about how "governments shouldn't keep secrets", and drivel about how the French ambassador smells bad or whatever Wikileaks released to puff itself up, I'm glad my government keeps secrets, period.

If full disclosure is what you seek, then the US, or any other nuclear enabled government, should publish an in depth white paper on the web, about how to build an atomic bomb.

So now you'll say, "oh, we should keep that a secret". And then, the discussion morphs back into what it already is, "what should be secret, and what should be public".

Speaking for myself, I sleep better at night, knowing there's so much I don't know.

The relationships between governments are as either as complex or as simple as those between individuals. We tolerate what isn't a direct threat, to permit peaceful coexistence, and mutual advantage. And sometimes, those are ugly, ugly compromises. And sometimes,(speaking in today's terms), national BFFs become "frenemies", or outright combatants.
Lulz Sec doesn't do what they do "just for the lulz". Their goal is much greater, and they have my full support.
captaincranky said:
Speaking for myself, I sleep better at night, knowing there's so much I don't know.

You can speak for me also. Didn't someone once say, "ignorance is bliss"?
mevans336 said:
Boycott PayPal because of WikiLeaks? No thanks.
WikiLeaks is an absolute joke run to offer the power, corruptions and connections to Julian *** that he so sought to destroy with the website. The wiki label should be removed all together because it implies a level of openness that simply is not there.

As I have said before and will say again, how Julian *** can call himself a journalist and not have read Animal Farm is beyond me…
yorro said:
These kids have too much time on the internet. BTW, real hackers have jobs.
No they do not: real hackers hack corporations to see if they can and THEN get a job by said corporation to make sure it does not happen again :p.

Break a guy's car and he pays you to be a his mechanic…