Anyone pick up a G-5 yet?

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If I wasn't still strugglign to pay my bills I'd consider picking one up.

Telexen, they probably tell the truth about as much as any other software/hardware manufacturer. Everybody gives Apple $h1+ but without apple many if not all of these great "innovative" things in the Windows OSes would never have taken place. People would now be running DOS 22.3 or something.
Hopefully the job will get me one - but I won't settle for anything less than a Dual 2 Gig


check out my link to the dual processor opterons that's solaris certified........then the link on MTOPS.............i believe in cpus/chipsets/mobos.....the opteron's are smokin' the comp....see if apple can do that :grinthumb
Given it is PC platform... Suppose you can put Windows on it? Or perhaps the x86 compatible MacOS on a 64-bit PC? :)
I just remember the old saying "Macintosh 84 = Windows 95.."

Been anticipating the new G5 for some time...wondering how long before 64 bit becomes the standard..............I'm aware of the opterons (why did they have to name them Opteron???!!!) are indeed strong performers...looks liek the future is finally here:)

The reviews are slamming apple pretty hard, wondering if the owners will feel the sme way?
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