Coronavirus outbreak. How is everyone faring in these past days of crazy?

For my wife and I, we've barely even noticed there was a shutdown.

There have been a few shopping trips early on where some of our normal items weren't available but we'd just substitute or try new things. Our pantry is pretty well stocked so there really wasn't any time were there was a real concern regarding food supplies.

I work for a healthcare related company on the administration/business intelligence side. Before COVID, I worked from home 100%. All of my co-workers are just faces on a WebEx and always have been.

My wife and I have no real social life. We don't have any friends to see regularly. We have acquaintances that we see sometimes once a year at a conference we sometimes attend (this was an off year for us so we wouldn't have seen anyone anyway). We rarely if ever dine out. Haven't been to a theater in almost a decade.

We spend our evenings taking walks or being out in the backyard observing with a telescope (and binoculars). On weekends we take long drives into the 'countryside' of north Texas. Sometimes we'll park in the shade, open the side doors and 'picnic' in the shade next to our van. Sometimes we'll just break out our zero-gravity chairs and watch the wind blow through the trees. Biggest thing we've noticed is that the camp areas we normally may escape to for a weekend have all been booked. Hopefully as the weather gets colder and the fair weather campers will stay home.

When we shop we always go right when the store opens on Sunday morning. We've done this longer than I can remember. It's nice having the store to ourselves and 7AM on Sunday is always a quiet time to shop. Of course now we mask up and practice social distancing but really, that amounts to less than an hour a week in an essentially empty store.

We have no children and that means we've not had home schooling to contend with. We feel bad for parents that are having that issue.

Our closest extended family members live over 600 miles away and we only visit them every two or three years so nothing missing that.

To be honest, COVID hasn't been much more than a thing we read about online.
I would lie if I would say that I did not affect in any way. But my problems are not that significant compared to others. I do really miss traveling as it made me truly happy while exploring new cultures, and it becomes more difficult to meet the significant ones. So from the perspective of the emotional state, it is not that good.
Being retired, as I mentioned previously (post #7) life still hasn't changed much at all. Here in rural France our lives haven't been affected at all since our lockdown ended but it has effectively killed off seeing any friends who normally come across from UK to visit their holiday homes, etc. The big thing for us is we now watch the news closely and have learned what a complete load of self-serving pigs are running (or ruining) the UK at the moment. Handing out contracts for PPE supplies and Track and Trace software systems that end up being totally unfit for purpose and breaking their own rules and avoiding all accounting for their actions. If it was made into a movie it would be slammed by the critics as laughably unrealistic. Stateside you've got the "Orange Man" and in UK they've got Bojo the Clown. Stop the world. I wanna get off.
Stateside you've got the "Orange Man" and in UK they've got Bojo the Clown. Stop the world. I wanna get off.
Just think, even if we manage to vote "his orangeness" out of office Nov. 3rd, we still have to put up with him until the middle of January 2021.

I'm seriously hoping he refuses to leave office, and the military drags him out of the White House on Biden's inauguration day, at gunpoint.
Just think, even if we manage to vote "his orangeness" out of office Nov. 3rd, we still have to put up with him until the middle of January 2021.

You’ll probably have to put up with him a lot longer.

There is a long list of people with grievances, and he will remain in the news for a long, long time.

I'm seriously hoping he refuses to leave office, and the military drags him out of the White House on Biden's inauguration day, at gunpoint.

I am not in a panic mode, but it is definitely not very comforting knowing that there are scary things going around. But I definitely try to be as occupied as I can, taking long lost hobbies has been a refresher.