Dad creates video-equipped quadrocopter to walk son to the bus stop

Shawn Knight

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Every weekday morning, Paul Wallich would accompany his young son some 400 meters from their home to the bus stop to make sure he was sent off to school safely. It’s not a terribly long distance to travel on foot but when it’s cold outside during the winter, it can certainly be an inconvenience.

It was for this very reason that Wallich decided to come up with a better solution to escort his kid to the bus stop – right from the comfort of his home. He decided to build a quadrocopter equipped with a camera that would stream live video directly to his computer.

The idea sounds easy enough in theory as you can readily buy a quadrocopter kit at virtually any hobby or electronics specialty shop. Supplying a live view of the drone’s flight was also pretty easy as Wallich simply attached a smartphone to the copter and used a video chatting app to stream live images to his PC.

As he described on IEEE, the easy part was getting the copter into the air with the video surveillance system installed. The tricky part, however, was figuring out how to get the drone to track his son’s movement during the 400 meter trek.

After looking into several long-distance RFID options, he decided that a GPS beacon would work best for his application. He ultimately installed a small transmitter beacon that fits discretely in his sons backpack. It’s powered by coin-cell battery that can typically last up to a week.

dad flying quadrocopter walk kid bus stop quadrocopter

Overall, the copter is able to perform the task it was intended to do but it’s not without some issues. Flight can be difficult if it’s windy outside and the GPS tracking is reportedly only good up to a distance of about 10 meters. Another concern is the copter’s battery life. The inventor says it has just enough power to fly to the bus stop, wait for the bus then make it back home before dying.

Permalink to story.

Walk your kid to school you lazy F#^k.

If he has to walk out in the cold and snow at the age of 8 Walk your kid to school you lazy F#^k.

If he has to walk out in the cold and snow at the age of 8 why cant you as an adult?why cant you as an adult?
Not the first time that innovation happened for the sake of convenience :)

But seriously, don't be lazy to walk your Kid.
Thats cool. you programmed a remote quad-copter to walk your kid. Now what are you going to do if someone grabs you kid waiting for that bus? You have to get your *** outta bed and chase down the kidnapper.

Had you of just walked your kid, your mere presence would of changed all of this (If it were to happen)

+1 on the creativity and idea but ultimately, do your job as a parent.
Does the heli has missiles to defend the child in case of a kidnap?

Get off his back....Random kidnaps are statistically far less likely than lightning strikes. You don't know this kid... maybe he's getting walked to the bus so he doesn't run over to his friends house who has two working parents and spend the day playing video games.

Anyway, what's the point... if you're willing to kidnap a kid, what's the difference if you tazer or shoot the dad in the process. At least the copter might follow the kid till the battery dies and give the cops an idea of where they're going.

You want to see a lazy parent, go hang out in a walmart parking lot and count how many parents are too lazy to buckle their kid's seat belt.
You all know you wish your dad was cool enough to build a helicopter for you... That's actually sounds like a fun project that has a semi-practicle purpose. It definitely needs a longer battery life though.
Very cool idea and sounds like fun but I agree with the rest of you very lazy parent.

So wait its too cold for you to get out of bed but its warm enough for your kid to walk to school alone?
Rock on for making an awesome heli!!

But also man up and walk your kid to the bus. Then your heli will have enough battery for an air raid on the squirrels in your backyard.
Half the comments on this article explain why modern kids (and 90% of my peers) have no sense of responsibility. When my parents went to school, they walked miles to and from. Decades later, 400m unaccompanied to a bus stop constitutes a hardship and bad parenting. Ironically, it's still deemed acceptable to let a teenager drive a motor vehicle...
This is creative and does sound cool. Maybe the Dad should get a dog, the kid walks the dog to the bus stop and lets the dog run back home. It's safer for the kid and Dad can still stay warm. :)
Good idea for the transition period when your kid first starts getting themselves to school.
Does the heli has missiles to defend the child in case of a kidnap?

Get off his back....Random kidnaps are statistically far less likely than lightning strikes. You don't know this kid... maybe he's getting walked to the bus so he doesn't run over to his friends house who has two working parents and spend the day playing video games.

Anyway, what's the point... if you're willing to kidnap a kid, what's the difference if you tazer or shoot the dad in the process. At least the copter might follow the kid till the battery dies and give the cops an idea of where they're going.

You want to see a lazy parent, go hang out in a walmart parking lot and count how many parents are too lazy to buckle their kid's seat belt.

Quit making excuses for this lazy pos. I highly doubt he would be kidnapped, but unless the guy is a paraplegic or suffering from copd, he's a lazy bastard, and needs to be called out on it.
Escort = personal
from a distance = surveillance

"It?s not a terribly long distance to travel on foot but when it?s cold outside during the winter, it can certainly be an inconvenience."

so that's why he stays in his couch and he let his son walk the cold...
I'd be tempted to build another copter to keep an eye on the copter with my smartphone on it...

...oh wait.
Here is a concept to all you commenter complaining about how lazy this parent is. Why don't you stay up watching your business instead of using surveillance cameras to record while you are at home. You people are downgrading this parent without knowing all the details. I would be willing to bet you would do anything to make your life easier, just as this parent is trying to do. Quite frankly you all disgust me, for being so judgmental! At least this parent is willing to watch his kids, even if it is from the comfort of his own couch.
Here is a concept to all you commenter complaining about how lazy this parent is. Why don't you stay up watching your business instead of using surveillance cameras to record while you are at home. You people are downgrading this parent without knowing all the details. I would be willing to bet you would do anything to make your life easier, just as this parent is trying to do. Quite frankly you all disgust me, for being so judgmental! At least this parent is willing to watch his kids, even if it is from the comfort of his own couch.
Don't forget, he doesn't want his friends to see him being personally escorted and have his Dad crampin' his style.
Interesting engineering project... lazy parenting.

I thought the story was going to mention that the father was disabled or something... but no, unless I missed something... no mention other than being inconvenienced by having to take his son to the bus stop.

Bad parenting aside, why not use a rover? It has a better battery capacity options.
Inefficient use of his time and resources, but at least he can avoid spending some extra time with his 8-yr old. Afterall, they're just so nauseatingly sweet at that age, so who would ?
Apparently people who are bashing him, think it's amusing to call him lazy. I'm sure that bashing is more of a personal insecurity, how do you know anything about the person? Clearly the article doesn't state anything, but does that mean suddenly go attack him as a parent? Really sure you'd love to do that also, even if it's for other purposes.

Lazy or not it doesn't matter. Should we call you lazy, inadequate or such, if YOU won't do something? Chill on the insults and at least critique things fairly, you don't know the situation so zip the negativity overflow.
Well, the quad rotor helo for the iPhone is neither new business or likely designed by the dad in question.

This platform has been available over the counter at better hobby shops for quite a while:

See for yourself:

Plus, you can search Youtube as there's plenty of video on this topic.

I was actually intrigued by one of these at the local hobby shop. But, needing an iPhone was the deal breaker.

And yes boys and girls, even I have enough sense not to weigh in on the quality of parenting issue. Whooda thunk that?
Probably he plays Mario and don't want to waste any time with his son. Way to go, dad! XD
Why all of you don't stick to your own lives instead of being so judgemental for something that you have little knowledge about? All this overprotectiveness derives from your genuine concern for parenting? Or from your neglected childhood - 'cause this parent seems to actually care - in contrast to your parents back in time - or just from your personal deficiencies?