Data migration

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I'm starting on my first computer build, with a new retail version of Windows, and I also have a Gateway OEM. Is it possible to migrate the data on the hard drive of my Gateway onto the new installation of Windows that will be on the new build?
check the xp install disc for moving xp or copy profiles
the oem will not run on another MB but you should be able to get your reg and folders over
I have done this with W2K but xp is rough on OEM installs
I heard there is something called Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. Havn't used it before so i cant say for sure how it works, all i know that you can transfer using ethernet or some sort of high volume media..?
Maybe specify what you mean by "the data". You can make a 1:1 copy of the contents of the old hard drive if you like. The machine will be unbootable in this case of course.

If you just want your documents, then copy them on a CD or an USB drive.
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