Dell C610 drivers

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just reformed c610 with xp but looking for drivers .
anyone got a link to a driver disk .
thanks in advance .
yes, but you can find out all that from the left side menu once you "logged in" with the service tag. anyways good job!

But I had this thought...
On some threads (ok just one in particular)
You could (well I could I suppose) say, check this thread, at the end of the post is an expired warranty link, which states $39 only !
I could say so as well :)
maybe I should bookmark this post....
are you from the US? just because in europe its a little different most of the times
I have to double my work all the time, and make sure it's US links
Some manufactures automatically detect your country code, and you get the .(2 letters) at the end of every link.

It's very difficult at times for me to find the direct link, without the country code, but I get it done all the time.

I'm "Outside US" (the common terminology of many sites)
I try to be a little anonymous too, just to keep it all standard.
Also I'm registered all over the damn place. But I prefer TechSpot.
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