Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion and all future content updates will be PC-only

Daniel Sims

Posts: 1,393   +43
Facepalm: Elite Dangerous has spent almost a year trying to recover from the disastrous launch of its last expansion. Despite progress made by recent updates, the game now suffers another major blow with the cancellation of console development.

Frontier has announced it’s cancelling the launch of its most recent expansion for the console versions of Elite Dangerous. Going forward, consoles will only receive critical updates for the multiplayer space sim while the PC version will still receive updates for current and future expansions.

Frontier founder David Braben explained that since the last expansion titled Odyssey, development of Elite has proceeded on two codebases: one for Odyssey players and another for console players as well as PC players who hadn’t purchased Odyssey. Braben said Elite’s development can only go forward if Frontier focuses exclusively on the post-Odyssey codebase, which forces the company to cease console development. Presumably this means the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One games won’t be upgraded for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series consoles.

When Frontier launched Odyssey on PC, it was plagued by poor performance and bugs. It still has a “Mostly Negative” rating on Steam.

Soon after launching Odyssey, Frontier delayed the console versions indefinitely while it released patches for the PC, before ultimately making its decision this week. There have been 10 updates for Odyssey so far with the 11th set to go out on March 11.

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I have 1500 hours in ED. Odyssey is a shame and a huge failure. After 10 updates the graphical engine is still not good and not as optimized like Horizons was (not even close).
Numerous gameplay bugs kill the game.

The Odyssey release was clearly rushed and forced (either by Braben or shareholders? I don't know...) and it would have needed one more year at least before it had been ready for launch.

Instead of giving people more space content (new missions, new ships, etc...) that we love, we got on-foot content that ruined the engine so much that even space content could not have been played and enjoyed at all.

I can only hope that they have something on their roadmap to make up for this shame and bring people back to the game. ED is one of the best games ever and it doesn't deserve a stain like Odyssey in its pedigree.