Error loading operating system

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I have installed a new hard drive and am trying to load Windows XP. When I first booted to the CD it started setup but only showed 76,000 MB in the partition. The hard drive is 80 GB. I entered the bios to look at the hard drive and that reflects the proper size. I then rebooted the computer to try again and now get "error loading operating system" every time I try to boot to the CD. Can anyone help me???
basically, you'll get an error message if the setup process was cancelled or aborted when it reach the GUI part of the installation. Reboot your system and try to run setup again as it could be some files are not copied completely :hotbounce
And your harddisk only has about 76GB, not 80. That is a manufacturer's interpretation.
Some use 1GB=1000MB(false), others 1GB=1024MB(true). You do the maths.
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