Facebook testing new feature that lets you post to the News Feed but not your Timeline


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Being able to hide a Facebook post from your own dedicated Timeline is already possible on the social network, but the company is now testing a feature that will let users post content that only ever appears on the News Feed.

Right now, removing something from your own Timeline involves finding the post and selecting the option to hide it. You can also customize exactly who sees an update before and after it’s posted.

With the new feature, anyone writing a status update will see a ‘Hide from your Timeline’ checkbox that will ensure the post shows up on your friends’ News Feeds, but not on your own profile page.

These hidden posts will still show up in search results, and they are listed on the “your posts” page that only you can view, according to CNET. Moreover, the option won't be available when sharing other people's posts.

At the moment, the feature is only available to a select few web users. Facebook hasn’t said when or if it will be rolled out to everyone else. Though if it does become a permanent fixture, it’s likely to arrive on Android and iOS as well.

Facebook gave the following statement to Engadget:

The Timeline on your profile is a great place to see a comprehensive history of your Facebook posts. We've heard feedback that sometimes, you may want to share a post with friends and family via News Feed and not have that post be displayed on your Timeline. The ability to hide a post from your Timeline already exists, and today we're testing a feature that would make it even easier to control where your posts live by giving you the option to publish a post only to News Feed and not to your Timeline.

The feature’s aimed at users who want to post the kind of content that doesn’t warrant a permanent place on their Timelines. Spontaneous outbursts, unflattering selfies, and slightly drunken ramblings come to mind.

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