FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announces intent to step down on January 20

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Geeezzzeeeee ..... what a mad house today ....
Getting the popcorn out.

There's nothing wrong with being in denial. It's a natural part of healing.

The facts in this case are very clear. Trump crushed Biden in the regular vote in the swing states. But the elves were mighty busy that night with their Dominion machines, fresh paper ballots and illegal maneuvers. First they drove the Republican observers out. This happened in multiple states, simultaneously. Then Voila, in the early morning hours, literally millions of votes mysteriously appeared, most for Biden. According to Giuliani, not a single Republican was allowed to examine and validate the contested mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania or Michigan. Mail-in ballots must be physically examined for irregularities by parties from both sides. Only after both sides are satisifed is a ballot deemed to be legitimate. Once you separate the ballot from its envelope, all traceability is lost. That's why hands-on confirmation is so important.

That alone is enough to invalidate them. Giuliani has hundreds of sworn affidavits citing criminal acts by Democrats that night. Affidavits are very serious, people do not file them just for fun. Lying on an affidavit is a 5 year jail sentence.

The voting machines were also seriously compromised. They were all connected to the internet and the votes were sent to foreign servers. The source code is proprietary, so nobody knows how votes were manipulated. There are numerous examples of votes switching directly from Trump to Biden and unexplained huge vote spikes, almost always for Biden.
Statistical analysis shows serious irregularities. For example, Benford's law is a mainstay in election fraud analysis. It predicts a natural distribution of leading digits in voter data. Biden's swing state Benford law distributions are extremely wonky, with huge spikes. Other candidates have normal distributions, in the very same voting districts. That's simply not possible.

No my friend, this is extremely serious. It will probably end up in the House for a Constitutional 12th amendment vote. If that happens then Trump will win because Republicans control the great majority of state house legislatures.

You are smoking some good sh!t... pass it over! Trump is like 1 for 25+ on lawsuits including a rejection in PA by not just 1 but 3 republican judges with the opinion written Trump's own appointee - Bibas who was appointed by Trump in 2017.

Giuliani has hundreds of sworn affidavits citing criminal acts by Democrats that night
And let me guess, its all coming out "tomorrow"?

You are smoking some good sh!t... pass it over! Trump is like 1 for 25+ on lawsuits
Actually he is 1 for 35. Just an FYI brother.

And the one he did "win" was a request that was denied to allow first time voters to verify their ID by Nov. 12th but were still allowed to take until the 9th.
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That's not what net neutrality means and did.
It most certainly is. It's not what many badly-misinformed media sources told you it meant. But that's a different matter.

I remind you that the Internet has existed for several decades, all but a couple years of which were free of net neutrality restrictions, and yet none of the rather ludicrous sky-is-falling predictions of its proponents have ever come to pass. In fact, casting our eyes around the world, the only nations where the Internet can be truly said to not be free are those in which the government has enacted laws and regulations which, like net neutrality, give it blanket authority to regulate the internal workings of Internet providers.

I bet you also know why they removed the legislation which told ISPs not to hide the hidden fees. I can't wait for your reply.
Happy to oblige you. Many US ISPs engage in what most people, including myself, would consider deceptive advertising of rates which fail to include these so-called "hidden" fees. However, this is hardly unique to this industry: the airline, banking, and auto-loan industries are also infamous for this. The FCC -- like all other executive-branch agencies -- merely enforces the laws that Congress enacts. If Congress wishes to step in with additional legislation, that would be one solution, though I believe the proper venue for enforcement here is the FTC (which can address such practices for all industries, and which already holds legislative authority for same) rather than the FCC.

Prior FCC chair Tom Wheeler's "solution" of reclassifying the entire Internet as a common carrier was government overreach of elephantine proportions: not only unconstitutional, but one which would eventually lead to horrendous consequences for consumers. Thankfully, it is gone -- but had Pai not repealed it, the Supreme Court would have done so eventually. In fact, the only reason it survived the first Supreme Court challenge is because of Gorsuch's recusal, as he had originally heard the instant case.
He must own stock in an ISP.
Actually, I own stock in a world of freedom and economic prosperity for all. That makes me slightly impatient with poorly-educated nitwits who advocate for knee-jerk statist policies which would harm not only themselves, but the rest of us as well.
Net Neutrality was supposed to make it so that ISP-owned media services such as oh... I don't know, Comcast's NBC services to not be favored over say, NetFlix.
The way I look at it is that this charade that Trump is putting forward is only showing the world what kind of person Trump really is, a sore loser. He's also putting the stability of our very Democracy at risk especially with the likes of alt-right groups like The Oath Keepers swearing that they will not honor a government with Joe Biden as President. If there's not an actual civil war within the next two months, I'm going to be surprised as all hell.

Meanwhile the thought of buying up some land in the middle of nowhere and fortifying the crap out of it is looking better and better.
You are smoking some good sh!t... pass it over! Trump is like 1 for 25+ on lawsuits including a rejection in PA by not just 1 but 3 republican judges.
Incorrect. All three were appointed by Republican presidents, but at least two of the three are Democrats. What's your point? Judge Mary Leavitt -- a Democrat -- ruled in favor of the Trump campaign, as did Supreme Court Justice Alito:

"(AP) U.S. Supreme Court Justice Alito Rules in Favor of Trump Campaign in Pennsylvania...."
That may eventually be true, but for the moment it is not officially fact. Biden has yet to officially be announced as the President-elect. The main-stream media and now apparently Techspot is making that presumption. Should we consider your tech articles to be just as fake when reported?
Lol oh lord how do I block on here?
He's also putting the stability of our very Democracy at risk...
But I bet you believe Al Gore was "fighting for democracy", when he refused to concede until December 12 and a lost Supreme Court battle? And half of Washington and all the media was doing the same, when they called the 2016 election rigged and illegitimate?

.... especially with the likes of alt-right groups like The Oath Keepers swearing that they will not honor a government with Joe Biden as President.
You weren't complaining when Maxine Waters and several other members of Congress said the same of Trump's government, were you?
I'm not saying I like this guy, I don't, but did the forecasted apocalypse from his tenure ever actually happen? Doesn't seem like it.

Net neutrality needs to be legislated, not left to the interpretation of 1970's laws by bureaucrats of either party.
Um ask my friend who is now having data cap limits placed on him by cox and all the Comcast people who are seeing expansion of these limits and other high speed "lanes" and such pop back up... Slowly but surely all the good work of net neutrality is being un-done.... Can't wait til we get someone who's isn't on Verizon payroll back in charge might take another 8 years to correct but progress is progress.
Well, no, Biden did not win. Most leftists are deeply ignorant of what's actually going on with these investigations and lawsuits. That's because the MSM systematically hides everything.
You poor people... Man did yall drink the heck out of the kool-aid!
Um ask my friend who is now having data cap limits placed on him by cox and all the Comcast people who are seeing expansion of these limits
You are confused. Net Neutrality has nothing to do with data caps. None whatsoever.
Well it should be! An ISP should be nothing more than a dumb pipe.
You're blaming the repeal of net neutrality for a situation that it didn't address, wasn't meant to address, and had no effect on whatsoever, then or now. And you want us to take your opinion seriously? This discussion is about what net neutrality is. Not what you wished it was.

And, FYI, "dumb pipes" work very poorly. This isn't 1989. A 21st century Internet requires a more intelligent infrastructure.
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