Ford employees want company to stop making police vehicles, CEO refuses

This thread has made me sad, but I want to make sure that for the people outside of the US there is more than one voice being heard here. It can be hard to look outside of yourself and see that others might not be experiencing things the same way you are. I am a black man who admittedly lives in a bubble of good fortune. My parents were able to make a way for me by giving me exposure to things most of my friends were never able to see. I see how far I've gotten due to these differences but it doesn't mean I don't behave appropriately (different from a white male) when I am out because if I did behave the same way it could be detrimental for my or my family's well being. Almost all of my friends who were not afforded the same exposure as I was are somewhat struggling (financially and career wise). All we ask is some of you acknowledge these differences and make the changes needed to correct this. This is not a change black and other people need to make - it is a change only white people can make in America. If you (as a white person) can honestly see all of the things that have gone on here in the US for many, many years and believe that things are equal and black people have not been treated differently and as lesser then maybe you're not enlightened enough to hear this yet. I hope one day you can see outside of yourself. It doesn't mean I'll behave any differently here on the forums when I talk to you if you cannot - it just makes me sad.

--I've had a drink or two and I get mushy when I do and I do have tears in my eyes as I type this.

I'm glad you recognize you were blessed. It's a sad fact that somewhere around 75% of blacks have no fathers. They don't even know who their fathers are. A child (boy or girl) needs a mother and a father. From your story it sounds like you had that. That is wonderful. Because of that you had a better launching pad for your future.

In the video that was attached previously we can see the result of fatherless homes. I can't imagine what my kids lives would be like without a father. Boys need to learn how to be men, like you. Responsible and respectful. Fatherless homes effect all races. But for some reason most blacks are raised with only their mother (or grandmother). It's so sad. It is something that many in the black community try to fix, but their voices don't make the news.

I wish you the best and continue to be excellent.
What's next, a small group of people employees asking 511 to stop making shoes and boots because cops wear them? Or a small group of employees asking cellphone manufacturer companies to stop making phones because cops use them? If those employees don't like it they can always not work for those companies. Also, don't any law enforcement agency should there be an emergency that occurs when you need immediate assistance.
Utter stupidity continuing in the US.
What's next, a small group of people employees asking 511 to stop making shoes and boots because cops wear them? Or a small group of employees asking cellphone manufacturer companies to stop making phones because cops use them? If those employees don't like it they can always not work for those companies. Also, don't any law enforcement agency should there be an emergency that occurs when you need immediate assistance.
Utter stupidity continuing in the US.
It's simple, if they don't like it that Ford is selling vehicles to the police, they should resign and find a job at another company which refuse to sell anything to the police.
The problem for Ford is balance they make ALOT of money from making Police vehicles and it's used to help balance their overall bottom line and keep the stock price rising so it can stay in business as a Company. If they were to stop making Police vehicles they would need a way to replace that money with something else and no one has come up with anything to do that. Sure they could scale back but if some other car company stepped in and took over Ford's part of the Police vehicle business it would be a HUGE blow to the bottom line.
:facepalm: When Floyd said 20 times he could not breath, the cops simply said, in essence, "STFU or you will kill yourself faster." This gleaned from the cop's body camera footage. So, are you telling us that you see nothing wrong with that and the cops should not be held accountable?

Unlike what you seem to have said, accountability is not a one-sided issue.

The cops in that incident WERE held accountable. All four of them have been charged with murder or aiding and abetting murder, just as they should have been charged, like any other criminal.
Just stop making car altogether, come here to our poor 3rd world country and serve us as our slaves. That's the only way you can redeem that mind virus of yours. Quick, this is a time limited offer, we'll pay your shipment too.
BLM is and acts like a terrorist organization trying to overthrow the elected government and should be treated as such.

Trump’s presidency has been nothing more than an indictment of the constitution.
A criminal enterprise which should have been impeached for mismanagement of government.
We will deal with him in November and his co-conspirators.

Antifa and BLM outnumber the police and they’ve decided they aren’t going to tolerate the tyranny of this government any more.


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Actually, you are completely wrong. If you look at the numbers and the real information about the last three years you will see that economically they have been very good for all of America, minorities included. In fact they have been better than any time since JFK ruled the roost. The only thing Trump did wrong in the eyes of the Democrats is he defeated their chosen one. Democrats have made a living trying tell Americans that they care and will help them, while the likes of the Clintons and their ilk have lined their pockets and caused America to slide into what you are seeing now.
Communism hasn't killed nearly as many people as US Sanctions.
Watching this from across the pond, America is screwed. People seem to genuinely hate the other side. People speak of the other side as vermin, and we know from past experience that there isn't much people aren't prepared to do to get rid of vermin. It's like watching the collapse of Rome in real time.
I believe it's because that is all the news shows, it is busy showing various Democrat-run towns burning up. What it doesn't show is the millions of stable well run Republican areas going about the business of rebuilding after the pandemic.
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Seeing as how they would lose their freedom of speech, religion, private property, etc. and up to (and including) their life, I would imagine that it wouldn't take them long to know what Marxism is.
There is a funny YouTube video, a guy walks around a liberal college asking students if they supported Marxism, most of them said yes, until it would affect how GPA grading works and how it would effect them, then all of a sudden they were against it.

America continues to flush its self down the toilet and ironically its the older generation clinging on to an ideal that never existed and blaming all the wrong people for the issues in their country and their own inadequacies that is cranking the chain. You vote for somebody like Donald Trump this is what you get.
yet the 18 million the CEO got paid (one million more then the previous year) is not overpaid?

This is a completely different matter entirely.

Should there be a cap on the CEO salary? No, the talent/risk they take can make or break the company. See the difference Lisa Su made to AMD.

Should the CEO salary be multiplier of the lowest paid employee or average salary in the company? Yes, this way the success will be shared with everyone in the company.

How would you feel that the company you made from the ground up cannot compensate you for the risk and effort you put in?
Is it really a greater issue than racism?
Yes it is. In fact it is one of the causes behind why we can't let go of our hatred for each other. People thinking their time is worth more than anyone else's is the most arrogant aspect of our culture. The larger the pay divide the more we fight at the bottom of the pay scale. It even effects product quality. Creating a divide between who can afford quality merchandise. Blacks are not upset because of their color. They are upset because they are at the bottom of the ladder. Their anger is misplaced.
The employees who have a problem should ask for a transfer to another car line, if they have an opening then see ya but it could involve a pay cut or out of town move.
Keep telling yourself that, while good officers are being killed over this BLM movement. This whole demonstration has turned criminal and should be brought to an abrupt stop. I've had black friends all my life and this sh_t makes it awkward to talk about around them. That alone puts a negative on the concept of having the movement.
Keep telling us that when there are extreme, white, right-wingers out there killing cops in a deeply misguided attempt to blame BLM

If it's awkward to talk to them about these issues, that is on you.

I see several people on here posting without any referential links to back it up. Like I said in a previous post, Fox News doesn't count.
Yeah lets have the mindset that all white people are millionaires. I look out across the land and see people of all colors struggling. The only inequality is the pay grade divide that effects us all. Stop pointing your finger at white people. We don't have a monopoly on prospective potentials.
Your post echos what I have said many times in my posts at TS. Until the economic system changes from something that places only economic value on people, humanity will have these problems.
Accountable for what exactly? Do you realize officers and paramedics have been injured or have died do to criminals using any excuse to have opportunity to take action, tell you what become a police officer then talk, get shot taking every person for their word.

Yeah, blame that all on BLM. Why not the white, extremist boogaloo but WTF. Keep viewing the world from that padded cell.
I believe it's because that is all the news shows, it is busy showing various Democrat-run towns burning up. What it doesn't show is the millions of stable well run Republican areas going about the business of rebuilding after the pandemic.
You mean like Florida and Texas currently succumbing to COVID-19? Got it. They are well-run.

And yes, states like NY went through it already. Was Cuomo's response perfect? No not by any means. At least he had the guts to admit the mistakes and make corrections.
Police are public servants.

If they were doing their job instead of acting as state sanctioned killers, the public wouldn't be raising hell against them.

They EARNED this.
Every 4 years, every election cycle, the race card backed by a certain party, all the BLM donations are going to a certain party, It doesnt look like "People" are rising, a "Group of people" are controlling another group with false promeses for political and power gain. Go to google and search Race issues and sellct 2012 and 2016, its a pattern.

Police are as the goverment, mostly good but there's bad in it too, Just watch the Crimes going up by 300%, Kids getting shot, woment being shot fpr being white and say "All live matter", every weekend lots shooting, yeah, war on police will keep helping communities, Keep it up.