Funny Pictures

to all you *IX lovers :D
Originally posted by Mictlantecuhtli

Window$ .NET Standard Server won't shut down without a good reason :p
"Ok" is grayed out until a comment is written! Next time OS starts, an error message appears that "System was shut down"..

I must admit, that took me, and all of my office, by surprise.

I formatted it away because of things like that.#

I will restart my computer for whatever the hell reason i like and its none of your business why microsoft.
what happens if you uncheck the box for 'planned' do those options still appear? this is a really dumb feature and a waste of time. What are they going to have next "why you want to turn on the computer?"
Originally posted by cabrone
what happens if you uncheck the box for 'planned' do those options still appear? this is a really dumb feature and a waste of time. What are they going to have next "why you want to turn on the computer?"

Well not really. Servers aren't meant to be turned on & off every hour. Maybe it's so tedious that it might discourage people that would try to shutdown the server as a prank.

What would be cool is a hacker getting the same message :

"Why do you want to hack the server ? :

1. Store pRon
2. Look cool
3. Meet the feds
4. all of the above