Google Nexus 7 Review: The Best $199 Tablet You Can Buy

Nexus 7 with Jelly Bean has won over every single person I've had hold it in their hands. No matter if they've had other Android Tablets or even New iPads. The Verdict is always the same! "Dam..... this thing's fast" and "Wow..... I can't believe it actually answers real questions with such a natural voice so fast". Yeah real questions.... you need answers to, instead of just to show off an inferior service like Siri's "Are you sexy" and "What's the answer to the everything in the Universe"? ....42 (from Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)! haha..... and Dark Knight Rises actually plays n looks better and is easier than playing it on a new overly clunky New iPad!

Actually can't tell the difference from it's Retina screen either. When it comes right down to it, I ran a little test. Took a piece of cardboard big enough to cover both my friend's New Retina iPad and Nexus 7. Cut two 1" squares out, so that they could be placed over each tablet side by side. Ran same YouTube HD videos and Dark Knight Rises on New Retina iPad and Nexus 7!

My friend chose the Nexus 7 over his iPad 6 out of 10 tries, while I shifted each around between tries. Everyone else got it 50/50 right including me. Meaning screens were equally sharp and crisp looking. But..... I noticed a few things that put the Nexus ahead (probably because of 12core Nvideo gpu) and Retina has a whole lot slower response time (screen size might be the culprit). Ghosting is non-existent on Nexus 7, while response time on Retina is like a snail in game. It's also obvious that you are missing out on all the action that's cropped off the sides on iPad too!

Literally everyone voted Nexus 7 (including my Apple loving friends) far more playable in games than what, side by side testing proved on Apple's GPS-less iPad Wifi Only. iPad seems too bulky for an all in one gaming experience too. For controlling and playing a game for long periods of time, with it's 4:3 Aspect Ratio and cropped peripheral vision on action to the sides makes it a less desirable experience. These are all gamers talking too!!!

btw.... so Nexus 7 is an obvious choice for a portable gaming device. Especially since you can so easily use an OTG pigtail to hook up a PS3 Controller that changes the whole experience w/o your fingers getting in the way on a touch screen!!!
Apparently the box is pretty hard to open. Lol,
Yeah.... it's funny to see all them so called Tech Experts struggle with what most every consumer and their 5yr old had open in 30seconds. I mean if you're having problems opening anything last resort is a kid. They don't mess around with scientifically proven methods. They just rip n strip to get at what's inside!!!

Molly? WTF? lol...... she's dumb as a box of rocks anyway. Plus she HATES Google with a passion seldom expressed by any cognizant reviewer online! ;-P ......only took about 30sec watching her present Google iO to comprehend that!!!
People who say the extra 8GB memory is insanely priced are missing the point. As an 8GB device, to me, it's unusable. As a 16GB device, I have enough room to store a few apps, maybe some mp3s and Xvids I might actually listen to (or watch)... in the times when I can use a tablet but not have wifi access.

So if you look at these as discrete products, then the $50 difference isn't significant. (An 8GB device has to be continually tethered to wifi, which essentially defeats the point of any portability.)