Google starts censoring torrent-related searches

step in the right direction.

but it won't do much to stop habitual thieves.
Autocomplete saves you maybe a fraction of a second when you're doing a Google search. Just type the whole word or phrase unless you're too lazy or can't spell whatever it is that you're searching for.
Guest said:
Guest said:
Welcome to the United States of China.
May be Iran ? :D

I don't they do stoning in the US outside the context of cannabis abuse...

It aint really a big deal from Google if you can still get the search "the original way"...hardly a ban in my eyes.
Ahh well, not a step in the right direction.

A lot of sites are censored from the auto complete feature and have been for ages...

Try pornhub for example..

Which means to me google take masturbation a lot more seriously than internet piracy :)
Well time to say **** google and use bing as much as i hate to say it.

Pirate bay is under investigation dont download from their.
You guys really are a bunch of cry babies. "Boo-hoo,,,Google won't put my torrent sites in autocomplete and i'm gonna have to actually hit enter or press the search button, boo-hoo." Get over yourselves you bunch of lazy dimwits. Seriously. This is no reason to say "f*ck Google, i'm going to a different search engine." Your inquiry isn't blocked from Google completely. You just have to not be lazy and simply press enter or click the search button.
matrix86: The point isn't that we can't still get to the information, the issue is that this is probably just the beginning of more to come... Maybe the 6000 new Google hires are going to be a part of a new censorship team? :)
Guest said:
matrix86: The point isn't that we can't still get to the information, the issue is that this is probably just the beginning of more to come... Maybe the 6000 new Google hires are going to be a part of a new censorship team? :)

This isn't a big deal AT ALL. This has been going on for years, but as soon as it is the word "torrent" that is blocked every pirate has to stop using google. Google blocked torrents on there quick search so now I have to sell my android phone and switch back to, I don't know HOW I will ever live with that word blocked from a feature I never used....
Guest said:
matrix86: The point isn't that we can't still get to the information, the issue is that this is probably just the beginning of more to come... Maybe the 6000 new Google hires are going to be a part of a new censorship team?

Google won't go all out for censorship. The more censorship it puts on it's real searches, is just going to lead to more censored people who will find another search engine to use (like maybe Bing?)

People looking for torrents is a big piece of the pie that i wouldn't think Google would like to let go of.
While more of a symbolic gesture than real censorship, I'm still finding this to be a slippery slope for Google to go down. Time will tell if the content industry puts pressure on them for more then just removing 'instant searches'.
lol, here's a thought,
what if I decide to post (on sites like these) word 'torrent'
will that be enough to exclude this whole page from google search results?!

ain't that a powerful tool! :]
posting it on every facebook page, blog, forum...
google just made a virtual gun so you can kill some virtual lives :D

by BaluX
I've been in china for a while and so many terms are censored, so get use to it, cause its starts with something like this then they block anything that their don't like or the government tell them to block.
again welcome to the United States of China.
While more of a symbolic gesture than real censorship, I'm still finding this to be a slippery slope for Google to go down. Time will tell if the content industry puts pressure on them for more then just removing 'instant searches'.

Basically, Google wants to play in the mobile sector and probably has aspirations beyond that; so they have to play ball with the content providers ... even though this is a token effort. They're not the first to cave on this issue and certainly won't be the last (IMO).
Wait wasn't it google b*tching about censorship in China? And now they do this? Ok it's not a big deal because it's not filtering actual search results but I can see it being a slippery slope.
Google: China we think your censorship is bad.
China: Google, we think your censorship is bad.

Theres quite a big difference between the censorship that china has in placed as opposed to the quasi censorship that google is using on its Autocomplete and Instant search.
I knew all that anti-censorship crap from was a load of BS... Judging by their record of censorship with youtube, however, I can't say I am a bit surprised. Google is a lapdog just like everyone else, they just won't admit it.
Mizzou said:
While more of a symbolic gesture than real censorship, I'm still finding this to be a slippery slope for Google to go down. Time will tell if the content industry puts pressure on them for more then just removing 'instant searches'.

Basically, Google wants to play in the mobile sector and probably has aspirations beyond that; so they have to play ball with the content providers ... even though this is a token effort. They're not the first to cave on this issue and certainly won't be the last (IMO).

Agreed, they've been slowly falling in-line with all the other "big boys" and I'm not to surprised. I just hope they stick with token efforts and don't actually undermine the principles that made them who they are today.
Relax guys, It's only the AutoComplete feature which is affected by this change :p
i tried it just now...
i typed "kid rock torret"

and google said

did you mean kid rock torrent?

and it showed links to isohunt, piratebay, etc...

they can't kill torrents as long as there are seeders like me!!!!
Wow, never underestimate the ability of an uneducated person to glance at a headline and draw whatever conclusion best fits their imagination. You guys are a politician's dream.

Complaining that this is Chinese censorship is like visiting a 3rd world country where people are dying from malnutruition and saying how you're 'starving' because you only had 1 bowl of cereal this morning and havne't eaten in 4 hours.

We are spoiled beyond comprehension to the a lot of the world.
That's why Bing and other search engines will kick they're asses you just wait Google they are watching you...
Waths The **** ??? Censored ?? May be we must all pay for licensed win - office and films ?
I leave in Ukraine and NEVER pay for Windows ! Its the start of world occupation on FREEDOM !!!
My question is why? It's just a search. If I can't find what I'm looking for using Google. Then I just stray to another search engine.

And forbid if I have to stray to