Hourly Disconnection while gaming

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We have 3 comps wired to our ActionTec GT724Wg router. We all play ConquerOnline usually at the same time and we all get disconnected at the same time about every hour or so. It even does it when only one of us is playing. I thought it was the client but we all have the same one. I thought it was TQ (the comp that does the games) but not. I thought it was our comps but nothing. I have posted in other forums but no one has any answers. This is time consuming and expensive and it's personnaly pissin me off. We now know it is the router but we don't know what to do about it sein as we just got it. The old one mom could ply endlessly while i got disconnected because she was the main. Now we all are direct to the routed (don't know why). Any help would be greatly appreciated.....ASAP
Try another router. Just because it is new, doesn't mean it is not the cause of the disconnecting
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