How do I get my partitions back?

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A while back I partitioned my harddrive into 3 different sections, 2 for Linux and one for XP. At some point I had to reinstall Windows which, of course, removed Linux from the bootdisk. At this point though I only need this computer to be for various things in Windows XP so I formatted it last night and deleted the partitions through the Windows disk management tool beforehand. However, I still have the same space on my windows partition and when I look at disk management it shows that I have 30gb of unallocated space. How in the world do I manage to get this back with the Windows partition? I can't find any option on that tool to do it and the help system is a joke. I've tried looking around and found a few programs that say they can do it, but they require payment. Any other way I can go about this?

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