How do you pronounce 'Mictlantecuhtli' :D

That depends on the language used, in English it's Meekt-lahn-te-koot-ly.
I've seen much more difficult names in the net, even in here!
Looks like we have some sort of Aztec Death God here...

Mictlantecuhtli, Lord of the Dead.

Custodian of the bones of all past human generations.

This novella is the voice of my Indian ancestors calling for my remembrance. It is also the voice of my Spanish ancestors calling for my forgiveness. I, and the whole raza, owe these two peoples our lives because they created us. We must never overlook their faults as we remember that they have survived within our deepest memories and our daily expressions of passion.

Rosa Martha Villarreal

Guidelines for Nahuatl pronunciation:
In Nahuatl words, the penultimate syllable is always stressed.

c + a/o c as in can
c + i/e as in cease
ch as in church
chu like ckw in backward
cu before vowels like qu in quick
hu like w in walk
tl like tl in settler
tz like ts in cats
u + a,e,i,o, like w
uh like wh in wheel
x sh as in sheep
z + a/o like s in sock

TL: at the end of a word should just pronounce the T---the L should be silent.
Hu : should be pronounced as a W.
LL: should NOT be pronounced as a Spanish double L, use the English pronunciation of LL.
X: should be pronounced as SH. MEXICA is MeSHika.
So, basicly: you are dead, and you have to either American, sacred or dead to pronounce your name? :D

Tnx for all the info, guess I never stop learning.