HTML help needed!

Not sure if this is the right part of the forum for this so sorry if it is not.

I was wondering how to create a webpage like the bbc sport website.
Sorry I can't post links.
With the page centered in the middle.

Is it margins?

Not sure if this is the right part of the forum for this so sorry if it is not.

I was wondering how to create a webpage like the bbc sport website.
Sorry I can't post links.
With the page centered in the middle.

Is it margins?


Hello and welcome to Techspot! You can use this html tags:


I hope this helped you!
Thanks for the reply. Won't that just center everything on the page?

I am quite fluent in html but I just can't figure this out.

Check out the bbc sports website, I'm wondering how to get the two grey bits on the side!

The classic method of 'multi-columns' on webpages is using tables.
Setting the outer cell width to a percentage and the inner cell to width='*' will at least avoid fixed width pages (ie the user's window can be resized)

A better technique today is using CSS, but suggest you master the tables choice first
Wrong. Do not master HTML tables. Tables should be used for raw data only and not be used for semantic layouts. Use CSS, and master CSS positioning.

To achieve your goal do this:

<style type="text/css">
#wrapper {
  margin: 0 auto;
  width: 1000px;
#header, #content {
  width: 100%;

<div id="wrapper">
  <div id="header"

  <div id="content">
Using <center></center> will just center all your content and text, and does not look good. If you use CSS on your page, you can read a simple guide at, or just google for "CSS centering" or something like that.

If you don't use CSS jobeard's suggestion to use tables seems like a good idea.