irregular ip address

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I am having trouble resetting my IP address to the normal extension type. Right now it is

All of the other computers in the house have the normal extension, only mine doesn't.

Any help would be appreciated,

Sounds like it has been manually set in the past.

Goto Network Connections and right click on your network adapter.

Then scroll down until you see TCP/IP and choose properties. Check in there and see if it has something set.

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If ALL your systems would use DHCP, they would configure properly without fussing :)

I got it solved, thanks.

I realized my connection to the router was mediated by a Vonage modem(?) (whatever it is). So I took it out to allow a direct connection.
If you have Vonage, then it's the device used for the VOIP service. Disconnecting it from the internet will mean you can't use your phone.

If you don't have Vonage, it shouldn't be there and doesn't need to be there.
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