Is this Possible?

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Posts: 24   +0
OK so i have a laptop that has a regular IDE drive 80 Gigs.
Is it possible to replace that drive with a new Solid State Drive. They seem to be the same size and all and are both IDE so why wouldn't it work?
Let me know your thoughts and concerns about what you think.
If it's an IDE drive, then the innner workings are totally irrelevant. You can use a normal IDE HDD or a IDE SSD of a CF card with an IDE adapter or a midget+pen+paper with an IDE adapter.

Just make sure that your new device fits in the slot - notebook hard drives may have different thickness.
Not a good idea! Solid State devices use EPROM technology to save the data
into the chips. They are not intended to be used as a 100% day-to-day HD with paging
and high volatility of data, but rather as interim, portable devices for backups and relocation to other systems.

EPROM R/W has limited write cycles and the device will fail when that limit is reached.

jobeard said:
Not a good idea! Solid State devices use EPROM technology to save the data
into the chips. They are not intended to be used as a 100% day-to-day HD with paging
and high volatility of data, but rather as interim, portable devices for backups and relocation to other systems.

EPROM R/W has limited write cycles and the device will fail when that limit is reached.


Wow I can't believe they're going back to TANDY Corp Computers (Radio Shack back in the late 80's) Idea where there weren't any HDD just soild state chips. That idea did work but no one would buy the PCs. I did try to sell them on the idea back then. Today those are smaller. Some Linux users are using SD HC which are up to 32GB now for storage read/write to memory.
jobeard said:
Not a good idea! Solid State devices use EPROM technology to save the data
into the chips. They are not intended to be used as a 100% day-to-day HD with paging
and high volatility of data, but rather as interim, portable devices for backups and relocation to other systems.

EPROM R/W has limited write cycles and the device will fail when that limit is reached.

Uhm.. Have you ever wondered why are they selling all these laptops with SSD storage then? With three-year warranties?
help me out this morning -- are you confirming or denying the aligation ? :wave:
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