just found a 2nd world wide web

Oh Sorry I edited it rather than put the whole link on, I just intended to show the www2 bit of it, save you clicking it, its just advice about a postage strike here in the UK, thats "Mail dispute" to people over the pond....

The "www" in internet addresses is just a hostname like any other. The hostname and subdomains are virtually arbitrary strings of letters, numbers and the dash sign. I can call any computer www2, www3, www666 or even m34n1ng1355-g1bb3r15h if I want to. And if I happen to have access to an internet domain, I can create any hostnames and subdomains under it.

Oh, and it's pretty common to give load-sharing or backup servers numbered suffixes a la www2 ot ftp2 or whatever.
Cheers Nodsu I guess that pretty much covers it....

So there isnt a 2nd world wide web after all...


for those that missed it "m34n1ng1355-g1bb3r15h "= meaningless gibberish"
I thought that was just random smashing on the keyboard... kind of like this dklsad90ey70243dfsbacfo 4gbasf8oawbl.

(Don't try decifering that, I seriously just smashed my keyboard there ;))