Man deletes his entire web hosting company with single line of accidental code


Omg that's the best comment ever lol
All they did was give a short part of the script. Nobody can be sure if what they wrote is true or not just based on the information they have given. Who knows what the real bug was or what the script was meant to do. I learned to never take seriously any code written in "news" articles.
Like I said in my other comment, the backups should have been safe and I didn't understand how it happened.
If it was within some script given him, the provider is liable and stupid.
if he himself type that line, then he was stupid and had no business being the admin.

It's missing the--no-preserve-root option. So unless he was in his /var/www or /home (depending on how the server is setup/OS type) it wouldn’t have made any difference and certainly wouldn't have nuked all his customers web hosting files.

Lovely script though... that command has no business inside one - no without serious review and bug checking first anyway.