Microsoft rumored to be working on a Google Glass competitor

Shawn Knight

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Microsoft could be working on a connected device similar to Google’s Project Glass that would debut sometime next year according to a note to investors from analyst Brian White. What’s more, he believes that Google has made significant breakthroughs around software applications as it relates to Glass which will help usher in a new industry of wearable electronics.

The software giant filed for a patent for a wearable glasses device late last year although the device appeared to be more of an entertainment accessory to enhance the experience of sporting events and the like rather than a daily personal assistant of sorts like Google Glass.

rumor microsoft google glass

Google Glass is by far the most anticipated wearable device this year simply because we know it exists and is coming later this year. We don’t have an exact release date but Google has said that it will be ready by the end of the year for less than $1,500.

Another hot topic in the field of wearable electronics is Apple’s rumored wristwatch, dubbed the iWatch. As usual, Cupertino hasn’t officially announced anything on the subject but most industry insiders believe the product is under development with an unveiling imminent. Samsung has also confirmed they are working on a smartwatch, too.

While gadgets like Google Glass are a hot topic among tech enthusiasts, it remains to be seen whether or not the average consumer will have any interest in wearable electronics.

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This is an interesting gambit coming from Microsoft. I honestly can't wait to see what they do to bugger it up. Will they have all of the important bits held together with nasal fluid? Will they introduce it with a completely unintuitive user interface while taking all comments and suggestions on how to improve the UI and dumping them into a fiery pit? Perhaps they could let their public relations team continue a bang up job which leaves the world and his wife maturely filling the comments section with ironic spins on the marketing blurb? Maybe it'll just release beetles into the eyes of whomever wears the mystical Metro glasses?

Go grab yourselves a nice big bowl of popcorn and watch how Microsoft deals with this one.
It's bad enough I have (my own fault) become a slave to the $*@&% smart phone, I'll be d*mned if I'm going to have the stupid screen in front of my face from the time I get up, til I go to bed (prescription glasses...have to wear them to see).
This is an interesting gambit coming from Microsoft. I honestly can't wait to see what they do to bugger it up. Will they have all of the important bits held together with nasal fluid? Will they introduce it with a completely unintuitive user interface while taking all comments and suggestions on how to improve the UI and dumping them into a fiery pit? Perhaps they could let their public relations team continue a bang up job which leaves the world and his wife maturely filling the comments section with ironic spins on the marketing blurb? Maybe it'll just release beetles into the eyes of whomever wears the mystical Metro glasses?

Go grab yourselves a nice big bowl of popcorn and watch how Microsoft deals with this one.

can you read microsoft's glasses will be more for entertainment. the xbox not for everyday wearing. I swear just hating because it's microsoft.
Oh crap, this site is long overdue fora special comic column, working title, "M$'s Next Big Hardware Fail"...

In truth, I can't wait to see the "M$ Surface Dance Troupe", "saddled" with the inevitable task of discarding any shred of human dignity, while attempting to promote VR glasses.

Working title there, "Holy Jumpin' Jacka**es in Goggles, Batman".
can you read microsoft's glasses will be more for entertainment. the xbox not for everyday wearing. I swear just hating because it's microsoft.
I can read junior. The "C" in "can" begins a sentence, and therefore must be capitalized. Since, "can you read", in posed in the interrogatory, the sentence must end with a question mark. You know, one of these..."?".

But you go guy, diss that mean old Lurker. He's probably just tired of bashing Apple, and decided to trash the poor, helpless, Microsoft Corporation....:p
can you read microsoft's glasses will be more for entertainment. the xbox not for everyday wearing. I swear just hating because it's microsoft.
Now quickly go back and read my original post. Can you tell me at what point I even bother to allude to this blatant bandwagon having an actual function other than providing Microsoft with another opportunity to bugger up and/or insult potential customers.

Also, you shouldn't confuse my bitter disappointed with Microsoft for hatred. Microsoft has been pretty much the king of computers for as long as most of us can remember. Especially those of us who didn't have an Amiga. These days, Microsoft seems to be tripping over and braining itself on the front door handle before it even has a chance to leave the house and go to work and I know this might ruin your 'Lurker101 is a misanthropic git with an undying, unbridled hatred for Microsoft' thesis, but deep down I actually want Microsoft to pick itself back up and have another go at actually succeeding again.
This may turn out ugly for Microsoft, because Google is likely to have patented many related technologies.
The only way I will buy this is if it is in the way of an implant. You look like a fool with those stupid glasses.
The only way I will buy this is if it is in the way of an implant. You look like a fool with those stupid glasses.

Let's hope Microsoft comes up with a way to make the technology more inconspicuous, like making it look exactly like normal glasses, without the terminator's eye.
I knew these comments would come :confused:. I would RATHER have implants than wear goofy glasses, I wouldnt really chose either, but I would prefer an implant.
I'm rooting for MS too, but I'd guess if they fail with this one it will get chalked up on the wall with their other hardware failures, when really it was a bad idea, not a bad product. I guess we'll only be able to say MS failed if Google succeeds.

But if this thing has specific uses that Google glass does not then they might find a niche. Sporting events could be cool.... imagine being at a football or baseball game and being able to see stats over a batter's head, or a first down marker on the field.
At least in the beginning it has to be something you absolutely cannot do on a smartphone, to make the project viable and convince people that wearing another gadget improves things a lot.
Microsoft will do what they always do...Wait 5 years after the market has been saturated, and a dominant product has been named. Then they will come out with a product that won't have any decent apps available for it, won't sell well, and Microsoft will blame PC manufacturers for its failure.
Microsoft will do what they always do...Wait 5 years after the market has been saturated, and a dominant product has been named. Then they will come out with a product that won't have any decent apps available for it, won't sell well, and Microsoft will blame PC manufacturers for its failure.
Yup. Microsoft is dead to me. *nerd*
Microsoft will do what they always do...Wait 5 years after the market has been saturated, and a dominant product has been named. Then they will come out with a product that won't have any decent apps available for it, won't sell well, and Microsoft will blame PC manufacturers for its failure.
That's pretty close to accurate, save for the fact you forgot the part about the failure extending to the completely tasteless, annoying as hell, impotent attempts at hip, TV ads.
Microsoft should change their name to "Me-too Soft!" because they don't innovate. They just follow with what other people are doing, and they don't do it as well if I could be so bold to say. I do like the company, like most of their products. But come on already, lets see some R&D from turned on engineers made available to the public.
can you read microsoft's glasses will be more for entertainment. the xbox not for everyday wearing. I swear just hating because it's microsoft.
I can read junior. The "C" in "can" begins a sentence, and therefore must be capitalized. Since, "can you read", in posed in the interrogatory, the sentence must end with a question mark. You know, one of these..."?".

But you go guy, diss that mean old Lurker. He's probably just tired of bashing Apple, and decided to trash the poor, helpless, Microsoft Corporation....:p
You have to be an expert in encryption/decryption to decipher some of the messages some youngsters post, In fact a degree in hieroglyphics is not much of an asset. You're wasting your time if you think you can teach them correct punctuation, capitalization & passable grammar in one small forum post if school failed to teach them the basics in 12 years.
If Microsoft are, good for them. More competition means lower prices which is good for the consumer. I wonder who else will jump on the bandwagon? Ahem** Cough... Apple
Ho boy, would you look at that!, good thing M$ can withstand trashing $ to make spunkgargleweewee specially since theres enough geniuses that like W8. Ha ha ha!