Motivations re post counts and titles



At various times and threads, the value of post counts and/or user titles has been
aired. Personally, I think that the post counts lead to childish pseudo-status that invites poor behavior, ie
trivial comments and follow-ups with little substance.

Even the use of titles leans in that direction (imo).

The intent of both is clear (and somewhat useful), but
the big egos seem to use/abuse them. I wonder what would
happen if both were withdrawn (pure academic curiosity!)

Someone else commented in a P.M;
Hmm.. personally, I find that it mimics life in a way.

Post count and titles are alike status in society, where people seek designer
goods, branded good looking digital gadgets, cars and apartments etc.

As such, perhaps this is like an extension of life in a way; removing it may prove to
lead to some unforeseeable detrimental circumstances.

After many years in the corporate world, I observed that those with recognized titles
(eg Chief Scientist, Software Architect, Marketing Director) can and frequently intimidate others
in public meetings, sometimes unintentionally and sometimes not so!

When titles and status are not obvious to the participants, comments
get to be evaluated by there content, applicability, utility, and effectiveness rather
than the defacto credence that is applied to titled persons.
It is then that
the informal leaders (ie: those without formal titles) rise to the occasion and their
comments are evaluated equally on the field of ideas.

With a population of naive users with little experience seek help online,
CLEARLY there is a need to identify those with experience from others with little.
Posting our background info in our profiles may not be sufficient for someone less familiar with the industry.
It's an imperfect world and public forums mirror the population they serve, so it's
unlikely that there's another solution that would avoid the appeal to authority that comes from time to time.

Please pardon the rant if you're offended. I hope we can ask ourselves
"Am I attempting to solve the user's problem" before we click Post Reply.
Iron Ring

I concur and can even give a slightly different but equally pointed example.

It's actually from my former days as an engineer Engineers who graduate from canadian universities are given what is called an "Iron Ring" It's actually made of stainless steel. It's meant for the pinky finger and it's rigged to remind us that engineering is not a perfect discipline and we must strive to overcome our mistakes and shortcomings. Yeah, well, let me tell you, a lot of non-engineering coworkers sure don't like the sight of that ring. In high tech we also employment a lot of comp science grads and also math and physics. They quietly gripe they resent the sight of that "Iron Ring" and how we call ourselves "engineers" as the word has an impressive sound to it. It didn't matter that I have them the same respect and even argued, "The person makes the biggest difference, not the degree or school they went to" Some just didn't like that ring we wear. They found it arrogant.

I know the feeling.

-- Andy
Been discussed several times before, and they've stayed. I certainly hope that that doesn't change.

Removing Post Counts
Feb 2003, when I had far fewer than I do now.
sngx1275 said:
I think it should stay, for some people the post count doesn't really reflect knowledge as much as it does for others. But when I'm new to a forum I like to see how many posts a person thats replying has, that helps in deciding how valid their advice is, usually. I also think it is better than showing when someone joined. Espically here where a large percentage of the active posters all show Feb 2002 even though many of us were around much before that.
sngx1275 said:
I don't think its going to change people, if its gone I think those that post rubbish are still going to post rubbish. I've worked over 3 years to get my 1779 as of this post. To me and many others we have earned this post count, don't take it away from us because a few people post crap. Its my job as a moderator and other moderators jobs to try and keep people on line and on topic, I think recently we have gotten away from that. But in the IRC channel (where a lot of mods are) we have talked about setting things right again.

May 2003
No more post counts?
sngx1275 said:
Whats wrong with the way it is now? The influx of rubbish posts we have had recently may be caused by one of the obvious being overlooked: we have more traffic than 'back in the day'. So we are getting more new members, and keeping the percentage of "bad posters or posts" the same the number increases with more members joining.
I guess my point is that these ideas seem good at first, but the more you look into them the more flaws you can find. I think its good to have a thread like this to discuss options, don't get me wrong. But so far I'm not sure any of these ideas are going to fix a problem that we have always had, its just more noticible now since we have more posters than we have had in the past.
I say moderators just keep doing their jobs, maybe utilizing the PM feature more on members that are starting to post a little less mature than what we (as a forum) like to see. I don't really view this as a problem like I did not all that long ago, I realize its just something thats going to happen, but if moderators and the general population on the forum can just make an effort to post at a certain 'standard' level new members will see that and take notice.
sngx1275 said:
Why does everyone assume everyone is in a post count race? I think 95% of the people that post here aren't posting for post count. And those other 5%, well the rest of us 95% know who you are.
For the record, during that thread, the post counts were removed. Then later brought back (obviously).

I think its been discussed a few more times, I just went from the links that were given at the bottom of this page.

Post counts should stay, there are many excellent points made by a lot of people in those threads I linked, and I still think they hold true today. Just because there was a little spat recently doesn't mean we need to go tossing out post counts and titles. People have always had disagreements, always will.
I think your logic is flawed. This is a technical website, and people who post more, do, 9 times out of 10 know more. And this knowledge can help solve the threads.

Of course there are going to be a few bad apples. Thus is human nature, but I think these people should not ruin something that is useful.
Hmm.. I think these sort of sums it for me: many posts a person thats replying has, that helps in deciding how valid their advice is, usually. I also think it is better than showing when someone joined
on some other forums, the spam section is always overflowing, even when it doesn't add to post count. But that's the spam section of course.
don't think its going to change people, if its gone I think those that post rubbish are still going to post rubbish.
The influx of rubbish posts we have had recently may be caused by one of the obvious being overlooked: we have more traffic than 'back in the day'.

On the same note, I was thinking about how the more posts a person has, it also has an inherent check on his quality.

Moderators help to remove rubbish posts, close tricky threads, and ban users who step out of line. All these help reduce the potential amount of bad posts that can be made by that same user. In this sense, a 'bad apple' having a high post count naturally means this guy has exposed himself to more risk to being moderated.

As for certain sections of the forum (such as introductions, but doesn't really affect me since I seldom post there anyway), perhaps no post count should be added in those sections. Meaning if I post in that section, my post count doesn't go up.
Even MS TechNet forums have "Post count" on its members.

Actually pretty sure 99% of all forums have this.

The reason is simple (even to the computer newbie) New and old, members want to know who they are communicating with. If the member has had a long standing, or been involved in TechSpot (to be specific) for a reasonable amount of postings.

I know that when I have signed up to different forums across the net, I have initially seeked out the guidance from a higher post count member (basically not a passer byer) This is because I feel secure in knowing I'm receiving the forums point of view in general, and not that specific member's ideas (both although having possible excellent answers or not)

For that matter, I don't believe any member should post their experience during or within their posts, to validate themselves; this type of posting should remain in the Introduce yourself forum. The post count should not be beneficial for the actual member (except as a recognition of services given) but beneficial to the member seeking help, knowing that they'll likely stick with them, respecting the forum they're on.

My take: Post count should stay

Signed: Present No.1 Post count member :)