MPAA threatens Congress over SOPA, says blackout "abuse of power"

Why not Hollywood try to blackout thr content for a day to make a point, guess what, noone would give a damn.
and when Hollywood speaks of 'intellectual property', I'd like to remind them there is almost nothing intellectual in their property.
So wait... the guy says sites like Wikipedia "skew the facts to incite their users in order to further their corporate interests" - isn't that in essence what MPAA & co do, skew facts about piracy and its effects - among other things - to further their corporate interests? *facepalm*

Poor Hollywood, as if they aren't rolling in enough money already. (Which is not to say I'm an advocate for piracy, I'm not - but these people seem to have lost all sense of scale.. and sense in general.)
The usual politician, especially former senator Dodd, using their force against the constitution.
This case is an interesting one; it shows the old business school of thought, using their usual methods of money, power and threats in attempt to control U.S. legislation so they can gain more money and power. Meanwhile the average citizen when using the strength of numbers and conviction can overcome the tyranny of corrupt power. This is exactly what the U.S. was founded on, rights for the individual and government for the people by the people. All this was done in a fair and legal way of protest, no need to hack a website or DDoS them, just speak up for your rights and contact your representatives.
Its obvious the bill needs changing. If we just drop this one now, some one will come up with a MUCH revised one within the year/2years probably. We should just do that.,
This is really just about money. SOPA will force internet companies to build filters and methods to root out copyrighted material. that's expensive. Don't fall for the 'It's Freedom' line of BS.

I do appreciate the irony in liberal Hollywood getting their undies in a bundle over this. They sure do sound like greedy corporate conservatives now, don't they.
Absolutely right that it's an abuse of power. HOW DARE THEY let people know what's going on? Just one question, though. Why isn't it an abuse of power for MPAA to try to shut everyone up?
"Senator Dodd was merely making the obvious point that people support politicians whose views coincide with their own. When politicians take positions that people disagree with, those people tend not to support".

Its a good thing most people dont want SOPA then right? Ohhh ya silly me I almost forget its still about the money lying ****ing shits
Guys Hollywood is more then just movies....Its everything thats shown on TV as well. I understand ppls ire at Hollywood, but to be fair, they have a right to protect their jobs as well. Your average actor doesnt make near the money ppl think they do. There is agent fees,wardrobe, press agents,ect. Alot of the money an actor gets paid goes to other ppl who made that actor successful. That being said, how is Hollywood's push to protect their money/jobs any different from any of you attempting to keep your money/jobs? Yea the giant CEO's and so forth in the entertainment industry make tons of cash, but most everyone else doesnt. Ive seen Grips (guys who move sets ect.) get paid less then your average cabbie. Yes the MPAA may be pushing a bill that ppl dont agree with, but you have to look at their motivation. Wouldnt you want all the money you earned on a paycheck? How would you feel if even 1 slim dime was taken from you? Would you accept "Oh your paycheck was pirated so you only get 1/2 of it". Try and show a little empathy ppl.
Dodd needs to step down now. "Abuse of power" indeed! As if all the DRM and DMCA and lawsuits over the years weren't abuse.
I'm tired of these rich people paying our representatives to remove our Constitutional protected rights.

The MPAA, RAIA, etc. need to be thrown in jail. Hell they have broken more laws than anyone posting a movie or video. They break into web sites, they threaten ISP's, they do all sorts of illegal things but never seem to go to jail over it. I wonder why? Could it be all the money lining our representatives pockets.

Copyright and patent law needs to be returned to the way our founding fathers set them up, these newer laws should have been judged as unconstitutional.

Movie and recording company's make billions and billions of dollars and with expenses dropping threw use of new internet based media and yet they want more, they sue people for painting a few cartoon characters at a day care center, they sue people for posting movies from the 50's, they sue kids for trading a mp3. they list goes one and on.
@ #37 - honestly, do you think the additional income would go the the poor set mover or other such working person? No, it would only serve to further fatten the wallets of the execs and such. And THAT is why I have little sympathy for MPAA and other such retards.