Need suggestions for gaming computer parts

Hello. My name is Darryl and I am trying to find the best gaming computer, ever. I want to know the best parts you know with no budget. This includes peripheals like the best headset or mouse (Already have best keyboard, mad catz S.T.R.I.K.E 7, herp derp.) Thanks!

PS- Has to be Win7
Opinion: your question is silly. If you refuse to read that link, or to merely go to Newegg and filter by the most expensive component, then I don't think I can help you.

Also note, that there's another thread like this, right here. But if you really have $10K to blow, I'm sure you could walk into a shop with that change and get 'the best'.
St1ckM4n said:
Opinion: your question is silly. If you refuse to read that link, or to merely go to Newegg and filter by the most expensive component, then I don't think I can help you.
Also note, that there's another thread like this, right here. But if you really have $10K to blow, I'm sure you could walk into a shop with that change and get 'the best'.

My suggestion is for you to do at least a year's research into what constitutes a top gaming system, then become an expert in overclocking, custom water cooling, and system configuration. Then do more research, because a year has passed and the hardware is all different. Then take the plunge, buy your parts, spend several weeks building, installing, setting up, tweaking, RMAing defective parts, reloading, etc. Then a few weeks later, find out that your new system is already yesterday's news, because the All New Super Mega Extra Turbo Overclocked Dream Machine has just been released. You'll then suffer a soul-crushing case of buyer's remorse, vow to never upgrade again, and possibly join a monastery. Meanwhile, the system you built is drawing so much power, the narcs raid your house thinking you're running a pot-growing operation. You're life is a shambles, but at least you have "bragging rights" to console you. Let us know how it works out...
Well honestly, the best can be interpreted in many ways, at a no budget just making the best computer possible at this exact moment, the following components would give you a rough area to at least start.

i7 3970X
Ram is a little harder, but 32gb would be the best you could get and speed probably would be 2400-3000 (Though 3000 speed is ridiculous in price and I doubt its that amazing)
Motherboard Asus Rampage 4 Extreme (Matter of opinion there)
4 GTX Titans would technically be the best, however for the money your spending, the scaling on the titans is not the great to the 4th card which really ruins the point of spending 4000 dollars on cards. So its opinion on this area, I would rather grab 4 7970 6gb versions or 4 780's and overclock them. But the highest score overall would be from 4 titans, so yeah (Actually, 5 titans to be crazy and have 4 SLI and one for PhysX :p)
To run this setup, the PSU would have to be at least 1500Watts especially when overclocking the i7 which chugs down power. The EVGA Super Nova 1500 platinum would be the best option there.
Case: Does not matter, probably Corsair 900D or similar. That's more about space anyways, I would probably do it and build a huge water cooling system inside for all that.
4 Samsung 512gb's in Raid probably (I personally love the Samsung SSDs the most)
CD Drive, who cares? Blu-ray burner probably LG for me
Custom liquid cooling loop with swifttech parts.

That's my opinion at least
Good suggestions GhostRyder, but I would go for 64GB of RAM for even more overkill. Also probably need another PSU to run 4 overclocked GPUs and a full WC loop.

Hopefully the OP has a display setup to actually take advantage of all that power.