Netflix and Nintendo are working on a live-action 'Legend of Zelda' series

Shawn Knight

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netflix developing live-action legend zelda series nintendo legend of zelda link live-action series hyrule princess zelda

Netflix is reportedly in the process of developing a live-action series based on one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises, The Legend of Zelda. The project is still in early stages as the streaming media company is searching for writers according to sources familiar with the matter as reported by The Wall Street Journal.

If anything is more popular in Hollywood these days than zombies, it’s the fantasy genre as series like The Hobbit and Game of Thrones have demonstrated. In fact, HBO’s epic series is serving as inspiration as Netflix and Nintendo reportedly want to create something that’s akin to Game of Thrones for a younger audience.

As you’d expect, the story will follow a young boy named Link as he traverses Hyrule in search of Princess Zelda. Unfortunately, that’s about all we have to go on at this time in terms of the storyline.

The fact that Nintendo is leasing out its intellectual property is a bit of a surprise considering how protective the franchise has been over its products in recent years – and for good right.

An animated series called the Legend of Zelda ran for 14 episodes as part of the short-lived Super Mario Bros. Super Show! live-action way back in 1989 (which actually wasn’t too bad if memory serves me correctly). The 1993 feature film Super Mario Bros., however, was a box office disaster that I’m sure Nintendo would love to forget.

Depending on how the project is handled, this could either be a Zelda fan’s dream come true or yet another embarrassment. Let's keep our fingers crossed for the former.

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Translations of computer games to movies has historically been awful. AWFUL. Don't expect any different here.
Translations of computer games to movies has historically been awful. AWFUL. Don't expect any different here.

But what about Resident Evi... Nevermind.

There was Mario B.... Actually, scratch that.

Doom was.... Well, who would I be kidding with that one?

The film adaptation of Halo... Was actually not as bad as most adaptations, imo.

The real question to ponder is whether Johnny Depp will be cast as adult link.
Can't we stop with these garbage adaptations? save yourself the money and us the trouble and just don't even bother.
Zelda is literally the hardest thing to adapt into a live action series, unless they do a weird "new character" storyline and uses Link only as a plot device/cameo char.
It's dangerous to go alone, take this!

"Hey! Listen!" to which every agent worth his paycheck replied, "Hahahahahahahahah!!! *click*"

Zelda is literally the hardest thing to adapt into a live action series, unless they do a weird "new character" storyline and uses Link only as a plot device/cameo char.

Not really. In fact, it can be done in ten eleven easy to follow steps:

1. Find an effeminate male lead.
2. Find an attractive female damsel.
3. Have the male lead ride his horse for a few scenes.
4. Rip off a Moby **** scene.
5. Rip off a Peter Pan scene.
6. Rip off an Indiana Jones scene.
7. Rip off a Dante's Peak scene.
8. Rip off a scene from The Abyss.
9. Rip off a Tron scene.
10. Have lead free damsel.
11. Happy ending.
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Zelda is literally the hardest thing to adapt into a live action series, unless they do a weird "new character" storyline and uses Link only as a plot device/cameo char.
I agree. While the games are fun, the franchise isn't exactly known for its character development. And since Link is a silent protagonist, the only personality he has is that which we project onto him. So basically nobody is going to be happy with the result.

Maybe if they adapted the Wind Waker setting it would be possible since the characters have more personality and Link implies more personality with facial expressions in cut-scenes, but even then character development is usually just "I was afraid of my destiny but now I'm not."

Side note: Not going to lie, I want to see the new Link say "Well, exuuuuse me, princess." at least once.
Translations of computer games to movies has historically been awful. AWFUL. Don't expect any different here.

But what about Resident Evi... Nevermind.

There was Mario B.... Actually, scratch that.

Doom was.... Well, who would I be kidding with that one?

The film adaptation of Halo... Was actually not as bad as most adaptations, imo.

The real question to ponder is whether Johnny Depp will be cast as adult link.

then the show would be called, The Legend of Johnny. Just like Johnny and the Chocolate Factory, Johnny in Wonderland, and Johnny of the Caribbean.
It's probably wise to target a younger audience, although nintendo is not as big as it once was, kids will probably still dig the show if its animated.