Paper folding trivia

I think it would still be paper
Just folded paper

Also I haven't tried it, but think it may be impossible
Not sure if a person could make timber from paper (doing this), possible I suppose, just unlikely
Zen Moronics..........

What an marvelously engaging and entertaining concept thread.

I'm sure you can hear the sound of one hand clapping. No? Then listen with your a**es instead of your ears.
.5*50 probably. perhaps + or - .5

But also, it is impossible to fold paper more than somthing like 11 times.

You have 6 posts, why are you asking this? Perhaps your antics would be better appriciated elsewhere.
This place is called "", not "". People who come here do so catch up with news concerning 'technology', not to have their time wasted.

I would tell you to go and read Roald Dahl's autobiography "Boy", as your question is answered there, but I think you have already done that, haven't you?
But also, it is impossible to fold paper more than somthing like 11 times.
Actually, I don't think you can fold a piece of paper more than 7 times.

But there are even more difficult tasks, like debugging Windows BSoD's.

Now, I don't know what BSoD have to do with the thread subject of paper folding, it's just that they are a concern of mine right now.