Pre-POST shutdown Windows XP

I have an old computer I built myself, which I turned over to my 3 year old.

It recently turned itself off and when you push the power on button it will give a beep and then turn off within 2 seconds of starting.

I first thought it was a the PSU, so i replaced that. Still no luck.

Then I replaced the heat sink, fan and thermal paste. No luck.

I pulled out everything, including the motherboard (there were a few dead stink bugs in there, yuck) Cleaned it all, put just the basics back in and still no luck.

I dont really want to waste money on a new motherboard only for it not to work. Any suggestions?

I have gigabyte P4 titan GA-8IK1100 motherboard
Intel P4 processor
PC-3200 1 GB dual channel ram
windows xp

I would just let it die, but I have 2 seagate external hard drives (part 9y7685-560) that I need the data off of and they wont work my windows vista or windows 10 computers. So I just want to get it botted up, transfer the data and then I dont care what happens to the machine after that (although saving it for my 3 year old was nice)

Any help would be appreciated. I like to fiddle with this stuff, but am no expert what so ever.