Problem when opening Excel file

There is a problem when opening a Microsoft Excel file.
Text with the following:

Can't open the file "name файла.xlsx" because the format or extension of the file is invalid. Make sure that the file is not corrupted and the file name extension matches its format.

Here is what I tried:

1) Find the AutoSave of a document in Office\Recent files.
2) Change the extension to. zip and. rar files, then wanted to unzip and save again. DID NOT WORK! The format varies, but not unzip.
3) Tried various programs: EasyRecovery, GetBackDataNTFS, R-Studio, OpenOffice, OfficeFIX. To open a file fails.

I can't copy and move.
The file is on the memory.
A file is very important!!Help!
In general it appears that you have it correctly. ".xlsx" is an extension for 2007,2010 Excel. Appears to be a Russian name. Does it need a Russian (language pack) version of Excel?

"I can't copy and move. The file is on the memory."
Needs some explanation. What created it? Where did file come from?
There are TWO formats that work everywhere:
  1. save as XLS
  2. save as CSV
aka, get another copy in an alternative format