Program Files (x86) folder in Windows 7 x64 C:\ drive


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I installed windows 7 (Ultimate SP1) x64 on my machine. After installing some tools/apps when I looked at my C:\ drive I saw the following shape (left hand)! That is, there is one folder named Program Files (x86) folder! And I saw the right hand one when I opened that Program Files (x86) folder. I’m not sure do all of my tools were in x64 version or not but I tried to install those that I was sure about them. Is this x86 folder typical in C:\ drive of x64 or it was my fault of installing the x86 apps please?


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32bit programs on Windows 64 run emulated in WOW (windows on windows). 32bit programs end up being installed there by default, whereas 64bit programs get installed to regular Program Files.