Research shows texting while driving with Google Glass equally distracting as with a mobile phone

Himanshu Arora

Posts: 902   +7

Using Google Glass behind the wheel might seem safer than using a regular phone, but that's not necessarily true. A new research has found that texting while driving with Glass is as dangerous as doing it using a mobile phone.

Researchers at the University of Central Florida, in cooperation with the Air Force Research Laboratory, carried out a study that compared how 40 participants in a car simulator reacted to a vehicle ahead slamming on its brakes while simultaneously texting using either an Android smartphone or Google Glass.

The results of the study have shown that those using Google's high-tech goggles didn't react any faster than those using smartphones. “While Glass-delivered messaging has benefits, it does not in any way make driving-while-messaging safe”, said lead researcher Ben D. Sawyer, who has been studying distractions and how they impact human-machine interactions for years.

Glass users were able to recover more quickly from near-collisions. But they also tended to follow cars ahead much more closely, thus increasing the chances of collision.

According to the National Safety Council, mobile phone use while driving leads to at least 1.6 million accidents every year. As Google Glass becomes more widely available, many states are considering banning the use of the device while driving.

So the bottom line, according to Sawyer, is that don't trade your smartphone in for Google Glass because, if you think it will make texting safer behind the wheel, it won't, at least not for now.

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Unfortunately much of our population isn't keen enough to realize how obvious this research is. That is a good reason to have these studies to help prove to some that doing anything that you have to think about while driving is a bad idea. Of course a good portion of said population probably won't even heed the warning. I still see texting and driving all the time despite all the billboards, ads, TV commercials, radio commericals, public service announcements, etc.

I still see people talking on the phone and driving, while typically not as bad, is still a distraction. I see police playing with their laptops all the time too while driving. I haven't done the research but I'd be willing to bet some money that police officers have had crashes too as a result of looking something up on their computer while driving.
ANYTHING that takes your attention off the road is equally distracting as texting with a mobile phone. It's just that longer texts take more time off the road than most other things...
We need laws and legislation mostly for dumb people. Why else would people drive into trees while texting? "My brain hurts", scratch scratch.
The obvious conclusion: you need to keep a larger distance when texting using Google Glass.
1.6 Million accidents per year because the Morons insist on using cellphones while driving?

The resulting carnage and human suffering, not to mention the costs to each and every one of us, is astounding.

Welcome to the NWO where stupidity runs rampant.