Russia blocks social media platforms in response to actions against state media

Russia is capitalist.

The USA is communist (FB/twitter censoring conservative opposition for the ruling Biden admin, vaccine mandates, medicare, etc).

Kind of. More like the whole world exists on a continuum. I'd say there's no such thing as perfect communism or (capitalism), because the minute someone offer their levi's for something in the most repressive communist regime, capitalism got introduced, and that will ALWAYS happen, it's human nature. USA is considered capitalistic but is actually pretty heavy socialist (most medical spending is by the state, ~half of income taken by taxation, all aspect of business heavily regulated), etc.
Strangely, the Russian Army is not nearly large enough for their present duty AND try to hold on to Ukraine and if it's citizens follow through on their claim they will be like the French Underground Russia is going to be another Afghanistan for them. I don't agree with the gentleman from South Carolina very often but I do agree with his assessment that the only way to end this is for somebody in Russia to shoot that SOB Putin .....

I am quite surprised Russia is having so much difficulty. I saw a (left wing!) USA analyst mention that the USA would have taken out most of Ukraine defenses with strikes before they even invaded. Apparently Russia military is not capable of such which is quite damning.

I feel like Putin is boxed into a corner. It would be a HUGE loss of face to stop now, the sanctions are already in place as well. Sadly, he HAS to win this now, I feel like. Which just sucks. The West should try their best to give him a face saving out (such as, an agreement Ukraine cannot join Nato in the next X years, removal of some all/sanctions on Russian withdrawal) and save Ukraine. Instead the hardliners in the West probably wont and sealed Ukraines fate.

The other thing that strikes me is how interconnected economically we all are. Which basically has prevented major war since WW2, which is known as the great peace. Something like the top 20 economies have never engaged in war with each other since WW2. All the business about SWIFT etc just drove that home. And the fact that even then, the West left an out so EU could keep paying Russia for their oil and gas!

Lets not forget the West's hypocrisy RE China. US companies boycott Russia, a relatively small economy on the world stage, but dare not say anything against China that commits plenty of human rights abuses themselves. Why? Because boycotting China would cost the giant corporations "real" money. And if anything, I tend to be pro-China online (in the sense that I think China is a rising power to an extent people dont realize).

The last thing is that it shows how wind solar and other renewables do not work, they are not dependable sources of energy. They are nice PR and 10-15% of energy demands around the fringes. That is driven home by how critical Russia's gas and oil are to the EU. At the end of the day the only reliable baseline energy sources are gas, oil, coal, hydropower where geographically possible, and nuclear. And the last is fraught with problems, as Ukranes nuclear plant in the news shows. All environmentalism does is at best outsource our energy and factories somewhere else, they never go away, and world emissions only increase, even if the politicians in the West can claim their own countries decreased (if that!).
"We are moving swiftly to take new steps to reduce the exposure of Russian state propaganda, only USA state propaganda is allowed on our platform"

I fixed it for you.
What do you mean by Western flawed propaganda? Western propaganda has the biggest influence in the world hence why everyone thinks of Russia as evil and the West as the good guys yet they've invaded many countries for less and killed thousands.
There are multiple pieces to your concept there - breaking them down very simply:

-Russia is an authoritarian regime, with personal freedoms and human rights ignored on a consistent basis.
-Western propoganda is most definitely the most influential throughout the world, and it is assuredly driven by politics, which often prove to be wrong - if not at least incorrect in parts.
-Simply because 'The West' has invaded/entered countries historically, doesn't downplay the blatant humanitarian (and international) conflict happening right now.

No country or entity has ever been near perfect, but that doesn't mean the belief of "the West has done this before for less" is a reason to downplay what's happening right now. 2+ wrongs don't make a right, nor do they justify future bad behavior.
That's not true. Most 'westerners' don't know that the present Ukrainian government killed over 20,000 people in the Eastern Ukraine since 2014. Western media is doing everything possible to hide that fact.

Over the last 20 years, the US has invaded Iraq, Iran, Libya, causing untold thousands of deaths. Where was the western media? Hiding the slaughter.

Your head is washed by Russia propaganda. I've heard many arguments by Russians, that Warner Bros and Universal Studios are creating videos of this war and war crimes done by Russia. That's ridiculous.
There are multiple pieces to your concept there - breaking them down very simply:

-Russia is an authoritarian regime, with personal freedoms and human rights ignored on a consistent basis.
-Western propoganda is most definitely the most influential throughout the world, and it is assuredly driven by politics, which often prove to be wrong - if not at least incorrect in parts.
-Simply because 'The West' has invaded/entered countries historically, doesn't downplay the blatant humanitarian (and international) conflict happening right now.

No country or entity has ever been near perfect, but that doesn't mean the belief of "the West has done this before for less" is a reason to downplay what's happening right now. 2+ wrongs don't make a right, nor do they justify future bad behavior.
There's no point in rationally explaining to these guys. "Whataboutism" is alive and well. Classic KGB deflection technique mastered by mr. Putin himself and embraced by trolls and "useful id!ots" across the western world.
There's no point in rationally explaining to these guys. "Whataboutism" is alive and well. Classic KGB deflection technique mastered by mr. Putin himself and embraced by trolls and "useful id!ots" across the western world.
what I see is him pointing to the extreme hypocrisy, silence and avoidance of comparisons that we are currently seeing. Yes, it is so. where were the sanctions, the blockades, the media hysteria, etc when previously countries were invaded and destroyed for minor reasons even for gross lies? where are those sentenced for war crimes, massacres, thousands and even millions of direct and indirect deaths in those invasions, at least in the last 30 years? or even today, in territories occupied for decades. oh! no! Wait! I remember that a certain person said that they would bomb The Hague (Europe) if they judged any of their own!. Would NATO activate article 5 of its statutes against one of its members? I hope that for the next adventures in some other "dark corners" of the world it will be done the same as it is being done now.
I am quite surprised Russia is having so much difficulty. I saw a (left wing!) USA analyst mention that the USA would have taken out most of Ukraine defenses with strikes before they even invaded. Apparently Russia military is not capable of such which is quite damning.

In my opinion, they can do it. Given the equipment, the maneuvers on the ground and the types of combat, I think that Russia is holding back from the very beginning, and a lot (I saw a military analyst say they're using their plan B), they are trying to carry out an operation as clean in terms of damage as they can and that has cost them in strength and equipment . They have avoided unnecessary destruction as much as possible.

"the West" (fundamentally the USA) is measuring the Russian operation with its own yardstick, the yardstick of "shock and awe", raze it up and kill everything and everyone before moving a vehicle or soldier, doing it no matter where they are, whether in open field or in the middle of a city, and using almost all available in the arsenal. Even so, in the last one in Iraq (based in pure lies) it took three weeks to reach half of the country and take the capital, in a plain desert terrain, with only 3 or 4 cities, against a destroyed opposition force without supplies or additional support. In Ukraine the terrain is totally different, many cities and towns, vegetation, rivers!, in addition to an opposing army with better weapons and with more will to fight.

I have been following the actions and equipment used, the what, how and when, in addition to a more "from above" look and I have come to some conclusions.
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Russia's blocking Facebook and Twitter? That ironically makes them a world leader in some ways because I'd love Canada to do the same. Facebook and Twitter are parasite organisations.
There are multiple pieces to your concept there - breaking them down very simply:

-Russia is an authoritarian regime, with personal freedoms and human rights ignored on a consistent basis.
Russia is definitely an authoritarian regime. I never said otherwise.
Western propaganda is most definitely the most influential throughout the world, and it is assuredly driven by politics, which often prove to be wrong - if not at least incorrect in parts.
This is pretty much what I mean.
Simply because 'The West' has invaded/entered countries historically, doesn't downplay the blatant humanitarian (and international) conflict happening right now.
Not trying to downplay anything. There is no justification for the killings of innocent people.
No country or entity has ever been near perfect, but that doesn't mean the belief of "the West has done this before for less" is a reason to downplay what's happening right now. 2+ wrongs don't make a right, nor do they justify future bad behaviour.
I agree on pretty much everything. My point was that when the West does something similar, it flies under the radar. It's hypocritical. The impression I got from people on social media is the West is good, Russia bad and you must align with that narrative. I don't see who the good guys are. I just hope it ends soon and not by everyone getting nuked.
Russia is definitely an authoritarian regime. I never said otherwise.

This is pretty much what I mean.

Not trying to downplay anything. There is no justification for the killings of innocent people.

I agree on pretty much everything. My point was that when the West does something similar, it flies under the radar. It's hypocritical. The impression I got from people on social media is the West is good, Russia bad and you must align with that narrative. I don't see who the good guys are. I just hope it ends soon and not by everyone getting nuked.
"The West" does something similar? "The West" has never invaded a democratic country. "The West" has never purposely targeted civilians. They never shelled residential areas and besiege them or threaten nuclear war. There`s no equal sign between democracies, as flawed as they are and authoritarian regimes, who would stop at nothing. You have no idea because you didn`t live through communism, I did. You put an equal sign and call hypocrisy from the luxury of your life, because you have never lived through hard times and oppression. But here, in eastern Europe, after having the russian boot on our heads for so long, we value much more democracy and freedom, things that many in the West just take for granted.
That's not true. Most 'westerners' don't know that the present Ukrainian government killed over 20,000 people in the Eastern Ukraine since 2014. Western media is doing everything possible to hide that fact.

Over the last 20 years, the US has invaded Iraq, Iran, Libya, causing untold thousands of deaths. Where was the western media? Hiding the slaughter.

How's working out for the Russian people in Eastern Ukraine? - their saviours are bombing the hell out of them - lots of buildings in rubble , civilians being killed -ah yes we solved your ingrown toe problem and whether to paint your apartment . Russia is seriously struggling to even make plausible propaganda success videos - Putin is in hiding - did a green screen video pretending he was talking to women flight attendants - who can now only fly in Russia and Belarus.
I mean seriously quoting Russia propaganda as fact - is frankly embarrassing - but I suppose you still believe it 100% - no matter you did no fact checking - it just feels right to you does it- Nothing we will say can change your mind - . I have yet to experience one time on Techspot when I call someone out for proof on this or say climate change - to show me some proof - the trollfarms only give you talking points and easily disproved facts . - You know the west turn on supposedly "good guys" as well eg Aung San Suu Kyi- she was in charge when some ethic cleansing went on .
Why don't you quote that Russia is saying all the civilians and buildings damaged in Ukraine is entirely due to Nazis - Unbelievable how gullible some people are - Da da ..nyet
The west has become nearly as totalitarian as Russia. Cancel culture (aka fascism) dominates the US and Canada more than it ever did in Europe. Putin wasn't banned from Facebook but a sitting US president was - you could cut the hypocrisy with a knife. The government-media complex has ceded the moral high ground. Unless there is irrefutable proof like actual bombs falling on places, we'll never be able to believe anything they say again, not after three years of COVID lies, election lies, "fiery but peaceful", etc.

Absolute bullshit. This is precisely the drivel that was broadcast on RT every minute of every day.
I agree on pretty much everything. My point was that when the West does something similar, it flies under the radar. It's hypocritical. The impression I got from people on social media is the West is good, Russia bad and you must align with that narrative. I don't see who the good guys are. I just hope it ends soon and not by everyone getting nuked.

This is the classic narrative that these autocratic regimes promote - some zero sum game between east and west. A load of juvenile rubbish. Nevertheless it is abundently clear who is doing 'bad' in the Ukraine, and judging by the scale of the geopolitical backlash against the Russian regime, it's not just the 'west' who thinks so.
Russia's blocking Facebook and Twitter? That ironically makes them a world leader in some ways because I'd love Canada to do the same. Facebook and Twitter are parasite organisations.
We are so happy in Moscow without FB and Twitter. Less crap in our lives. Anyway, through VPN you can access the crap again if you wish here.
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That's not true. Most 'westerners' don't know that the present Ukrainian government killed over 20,000 people in the Eastern Ukraine since 2014. Western media is doing everything possible to hide that fact.

Over the last 20 years, the US has invaded Iraq, Iran, Libya, causing untold thousands of deaths. Where was the western media? Hiding the slaughter.

Thousands? You mean a few hundred thousand:

363.000 - 387.000 CIVILIAN casualties over a 20 years period, which is around 18.000 civilian casualties a year.

What do you mean by Western flawed propaganda? Western propaganda has the biggest influence in the world hence why everyone thinks of Russia as evil and the West as the good guys yet they've invaded many countries for less and killed thousands.

People are too stupid to realize they've been indoctrinated for many years or feel to prideful to admit it. My country parrots everything the US puts out in the news, every single negative news article about China, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Russia etc etc... over the course of 30+ years, so it's not surprising to see animosity and lack of compassion towards those countries from my fellow citizens.

The media has dehumanized the citizens of these countries for many years, so any deaths or awful happenings is just thrown to the side as people simply couldn't care less.

Imagine if the US government told the rest of the world that Ukraine harbors terrorists and invaded the country, nobody would bat an eye and they would all stand behind the US, any civilian casualties would be deemed as the cost for the war on terror.

The president of Ukraine is responsible for many of the civilian deaths, as he called upon his citizens to take arms, showing how to make Molotov cocktails on national television and arming them with firearms. These citizens don't realize he used them, so he can show the rest of the world that the Russians kill "innocent" civilians. Not saying 100% of the civilian deaths is like this but you can guarantee that this call to arms definitely impacted this number.

But then again Ukrainians can say about anything that Russia has done, the western media copy-pastes that information regardless of it being factual and people here in the west would blindly believe it as they have been programmed to do so.

Don't trust anybody, especially not your government.

The US citizens especially should always question their government:

"Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the CIA operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes to be shot down or given the appearance of being shot down, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy"

This plan was rejected, but how many similar plans have been created and accepted by other Presidents? Just reading through this plan makes the claims of the so called "conspiracy theorists" regarding 9/11 not as farfetched any more.
We are so happy in Moscow without FB and Twitter. Less crap in our lives. Anyway, through VPN you can access the crap again if you wish here.
Yeah, that was my point. FB and Twitter could be considered malware in some ways. I make sure to ignore both because they've become cesspools. The idea that Russians not being able to access them is bad for Russia doesn't really hold water IMO.
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