Scientists find evidence that a ninth planet exists in our solar system

I didn't pick the name planet X, some scientist did that, I'm just talking about placeholder names. Also, where do Vulcans come into play? I'm very much a treky and I'm still a bit confused....
If you consider that my entire post was pretty much a harmless parody, you'll lose less sleep over it.

As to "a Vulcan to help fly it", (The "Enterprise), you'll remember that when Earth had finally developed "warp drive", the Vulcans made contact with humans, and a Vulcan officer was assigned to accompany the ship on its maiden voyage. The part of "Sub Commander T'Pol", was played by Jolene Blalock, shown here, well out of uniform:

To me it would seem, the Vulcans had perfected implant surgery centuries before humans. And what could be more conducive to good crew moral on a long space flight, than a buxom lass such as T'Pol to "salute", if you will.

Brush up you Trekkie mythology here:

Or purchase the entire series on DVD: To enhance your reference library.

Ahh... Good ol' Jolene! I wonder what she is up to now. She certainly made an interesting crew member.
Ahh... Good ol' Jolene! I wonder what she is up to now. She certainly made an interesting crew member.
And then there was Morena Baccarin as the "space hooker" in "Firefly". Although she pops up quite a bit these days. Sheez, that darn Josh Whedon does have an eye for the ladies. Actually there was a group of young women I used to call, "Whedon's wenches", which included Sarah Michelle Gellar, Summer Glau, Eliza Dushku, Amy Acker, (former lingerie model), and a new little hottie Chloe Bennet on, "Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Anyhoo, they don't stop me from missing Sub Commander Blalock, but they surely do take the edge off the despair.(y)
Well no. (And keep in mind I only skimmed your rudimentary math). But, this would have to be "Planet IX", since Pluto would have been "Planet IX" under the Roman Numeral System, until its fall from grace, or from "planethood", if you will. (One subtracted from 10). That is of course, if we're going to assume that "X" is a Roman numeral, and not a simple expression of an unknown commodity.
Yes, but then we would still need a Vulcan to help fly it.

Moving on, I guess the only thing to make this supposed planet relevant on a tech blog about computers, would be to wonder if Apple has any immediate plans to open a store there....*nerd*

FWIW, I still think Pluto is a planet, but basically a beta version. It needs to bulk up a bit, eat a few comets, and try again.
Lol the 'x' is a letter, not a roman numeral, silly, and its relevant to computer tech due to the fact that the evidence was modeled mathematically using computers and tech.
Lol the 'x' is a letter, not a roman numeral, silly, and its relevant to computer tech due to the fact that the evidence was modeled mathematically using computers and tech.
If you had examined the situation with even a bit of "whimsy", (Here the link for that: ), you'd realize there are nine (9) planets, (arguably) in the solar system. Accordingly, the ironic pun is that "Planet ?" could either be "planet "X" as in an unknown quantity denoted by the letter "X", or simply , "planet X" as in the Roman numeral for 10. And why not use Roman numerals for the planets, as all but Earth and Uranus are named after Roman gods?

Let me show you how that might work out if arrayed serially, (in the form of a Roman numeral variable).....(I Mercury, II Venus, III Earth, IV Mars, V Jupiter, VI Saturn, VII Ur-anus, VIII Neptune, IX Pluto, X Stella Nova).

As you seem to be blissfully unaware, the laws of motion / planetary motion were described by Newton (1642-1727), and previously in part by Kepler 1571-1630.

Accordingly, we simply use the computer to calculate faster, as neither Kepler or Newton were in possession of so much as an Atari 800.

So, it would seem you need an upgrade in your AI, to allow the interpretation of humor.
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If you had examined the situation with even a bit of "whimsy", (Here the link for that: ), you'd realize there are nine (9) planets, (arguably) in the solar system. Accordingly, the ironic pun is that "Planet ?" could either be "planet "X" as in an unknown quantity denoted by the letter "X", or simply , "planet X" as in the Roman numeral for 10. And why not use Roman numerals for the planets, as all but Earth and Uranus are named after Roman gods?

Let me show you how that might work out if arrayed serially, (in the form of a Roman numeral variable).....(I Mercury, II Venus, III Earth, IV Mars, V Jupiter, VI Saturn, VII Ur-anus, VIII Neptune, IX Pluto, X Stella Nova).

As you seem to be blissfully unaware, the laws of motion / planetary motion were described by Newton (1642-1727), and previously in part by Kepler 1571-1630.

Accordingly, we simply use the computer to calculate faster, as neither Kepler or Newton were in possession of so much as an Atari 800.

So, it would seem you need an upgrade in your AI, to allow the interpretation of humor.

Lol, with your logic, we wouldn't discuss games here either... after all, the concept of a "game" was invented thousands of years ago while people lived in caves - no PCs to be found...

Yes, Kepler and Newton didn't have PCs... but WE do!!! And scientists these days use computers to calculate orbits, gravity, etc...
Lol, with your logic, we wouldn't discuss games here either... after all, the concept of a "game" was invented thousands of years ago while people lived in caves - no PCs to be found...

Yes, Kepler and Newton didn't have PCs... but WE do!!! And scientists these days use computers to calculate orbits, gravity, etc...
Yes we do, still using principles outlined by Newton & Kepler.

"Technician" your new fast friend? Stop by to back slap him cause it seems he and I aren't getting along, did ya?

Now run along and try talking down to someone else. I already concede the computer's role in modern cosmology. All you're doing is stating the obvious to hear yourself talk.

Accordingly, we simply use the computer to calculate faster, as neither Kepler or Newton were in possession of so much as an Atari 800.
What's the matter, can't you read?
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Oh I don't know. If you decide to go along with Squid & Technician's viewpoint, I should probably apologize for having one.

Apology accepted crankytroll :)

Apparently it's easy for you to note the lack of a sense of humour in others, but have a certain blindspot when it comes to yourself....
I find it a bit odd that they omitted the two other known dwarf planets (or Plutoids) Eris and Makemake from their map.
It's OK to go on thinking that...(y) I should apologize for trying to pull you out of your mystical reverie. I'm just of that era. I saw the concert, and the movie on its first release. Then there was also the whole, "Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars" album & tour to consider.

After which point, it becomes a, "chicken or the egg", dilemma. Did Bowie come from outer space and write an album about it, or did he write the album first, and then start imagining he was from outer space? You make the call.;)
Of course Bowie came from outer space, Earth is drifting though outer space so we are all from another part of space. The older you get, the farther you are from the spot in space you were born.
Apology accepted crankytroll :)
No apology was tendered, you're delusional.

Apparently it's easy for you to note the lack of a sense of humour in others, but have a certain blindspot when it comes to yourself....
WTF are you even talking about? 90% of what I post is based in humor, more so than technology. Anything I have to say in your regard, I'm sure you wouldn't find amusing.

If you are in fact, trying to be cute or funny, in any post you make as far as I'm concerned, trust me it's unrecognizable as humor. Accordingly, your sense of humor needs more help than anyone here could possibly offer

Now, "Squid" is merely a foreshortening, or "diminutive", of your screen name. "Crankytroll" however is still "name calling", and isn't permitted. As far as "trolling" goes, you're the worst case of "the pot calling the kettle black", I can honestly remember at this site .

So, why don't you shut your yap, or at least stop aiming it in my direction, and run along to suck up with "Technician", while I mull over turning in another report.. :)
Of course Bowie came from outer space, Earth is drifting though outer space so we are all from another part of space. The older you get, the farther you are from the spot in space you were born.
Good point! Unfortunately, that makes us all from outer space, and David Bowie nothing special or out of the ordinary. (As I've held all along is his regard).

Anyway, "here" is an adverb of unspecified physical dimensions. "Earth" is "here", as far as those of us, like yourself, who are pretty much constrained to live on it.

Ain't life a bee-atch, when you think you've win the semantic battle, but wind up losing the war...
They still have to reverse the decision of the board astronomers who declassified Pluto based on a moon of Uranus I believe it was. When they got there Pluto was observed to be bigger than they thought and larger than the moon they used to declassify it.
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They still have to reverse the decision of the board astronomers who declassified Pluto based on a moon of Uranus I believe it was. When they got their >there< comma Pluto was observed to be bigger than they thought and larger than the moon they used to declassify it.
Aw Red, you simply haven't been posting enough. Otherwise that errant homophone wouldn't have happened.

EDIT: I don't think scientists are immune to the lure of fame which the internet provides. It's a massive venue to simultaneously brag, and beg to be noticed for grant money.

So, demoting Pluto to a "planetoid", is (IMHO), basically a publicity stunt, to make those who made the claim, seem more important than they really are.

Internet rumors being what they are, "J.S. Bach, didn't really write, "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor"", is gaining quite a bit of momentum. Oy vay.
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Homophone? I have never called those gay chat lines in my life!
Speaking of which, I wanted to join the "Village People" as "the straight white guy". The whole thing went sideways when I found out they were heterophobes...:D

"1-800-HOMOPHONE", that is truly funny.
Speaking of which, I wanted to join the "Village People" as "the straight white guy". The whole thing went sideways when I found out they were heterophobes...:D

EDIT: I don't think scientists are immune to the lure of fame which the internet provides. It's a massive venue to simultaneously brag, and beg to be noticed for grant money.
Most definitely. They would surely notice that a planet that they have been looking at, staring at, measuring and quantifying for 100 years was nothing like they declared. Size/water/atmosphere etc ...they were wrong about virtually every aspect of this rock. I till have not seen a retraction or a correction regarding its planetary status. It must be nice to get paid and have grant money thrown at you for sitting around and doin some supposing and rekonin about...stuff.
Well that is the danger of publically going into the closet, or 'coming in'
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Well that is the danger of publically going into the closet, or 'coming in'
Coming out, going in, coming in, pulling out, all naught but bittersweet memories to me now.....:'( Did you have to bring this up on Valentines Day?
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They still have to reverse the decision of the board astronomers who declassified Pluto based on a moon of Uranus I believe it was. When they got there Pluto was observed to be bigger than they thought and larger than the moon they used to declassify it.
Time for a reality check for that crew. A "moon" orbits a planet. A "planet" orbits the sun. I'd hate to be thought of as patronizing when I make this statement but, "in this case size really doesn't matter whatsoever".

The only reasonable justification you could make for not calling Pluto a planet, is if you picked if up, and stuffed it into the middle of the asteroid belt. Then what , you ask? Why, it would stick out worse than Shaq in the middle of a playground full of 12 year old Japanese schoolgirls.
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Good point! Unfortunately, that makes us all from outer space, and David Bowie nothing special or out of the ordinary. (As I've held all along is his regard).

Anyway, "here" is an adverb of unspecified physical dimensions. "Earth" is "here", as far as those of us, like yourself, who are pretty much constrained to live on it.

Ain't life a bee-atch, when you think you've win the semantic battle, but wind up losing the war...
But the location of Earth when you typed that and the location of it while I type this are very far apart, indeed. :)

Also, for your enlightenment, it should have been,
" Ain't life a bee-atch, when you think you've won the semantic battle, but wind up losing the war..."
But then again, "bee-atch" is completely incorrect in and of itself.
It's ok, I consider the source. :)
But the location of Earth when you typed that and the location of it while I type this are very far apart, indeed. :)

Also, for your enlightenment, it should have been,
" Ain't life a bee-atch, when you think you've won the semantic battle, but wind up losing the war..."
But then again, "bee-atch" is completely incorrect in and of itself.
It's ok, I consider the source. :)
`Spare me.

"Here" is "here". Get over it.
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`Spare me.

"Here" is "here". Get over it.

Spare you from the realities of the universe or the 'mulitverse' if that proves to be the case, fair enough you stay in your shell where it's safer for you.
You still are missing the big picture by focusing in on your little living space. Open your thought process to include all of what's out there too.
Wherever 'here' is for you, I am sure I would not want to be there too, it's way too small. :p