Security Myths and Misinformation

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When it comes to protecting your system(s), one can not be to paranoid!
Of course, if you don't have anything precious on your computer that
you really need to keep, then it's a moot point -- hey, just wipe it
clean and reinstall.

However, most of us have at least a contact list, some home pictures
of the kids and family, and perhaps some personal tax records. Losses
of these can be -- shall we say DIFFICULT to cope with.

Here are two articles that reach into our normal assumptions about
what we (think) we know and how we use our systems.
(btw: definition of assumption: making an A** out of You and Me,
sort of like insanity: doing the same thing over and over but
expecting a different result!)

Ok, enough -- the articles are

However, most of us have at least a contact list, some home pictures
of the kids and family, and perhaps some personal tax records. Losses
of these can be -- shall we say DIFFICULT to cope with.
hey jobeard, have you gained remote access to my pc ?
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