Silicon Valley prepares for doomsday with guns, laser eye surgery, and New Zealand property

Looking forward, never liked it anyway...

A few Nintendo cartridges, and I'll be fine till it blows over.

No... you don't understand. 'In these uncertain times...' means while Trump is president. There won't be power for your nintendo. There won't be food in the stores, or gas in your car... and most likely there won't be oxygen in the air anymore.

I'd suggest we'd all move to Canada, but I know plenty of people in Canada. They dont' want any crabby Americans moving there.
Go ahead and move to NZ. If there is an apoc scenario, good luck getting food and clean water way down there. NZ may be remote, but it's too remote. Better bone up on your survival skills and learn to farm. There may be less people too but when everything else is gone, soylent green will start to look mighty good.
Getting a bunker in a remote area on a major land mass is much smarter regardless of reason the end is nigh. More resources available by default helps insure your survival.
What I find funny is these people think that because they created some fortune for themselves in the tech world, that they are worth keeping around. In most cases of the world going mad, tech is going to be near worthless. So their skill set and value is low. I'd much rather have some country bumpkin sharing a bunker with me than some programmer.
Truth...I was taught to grow food and raise livestock when I was young. I still garden and preserve food. I did 21 years in the military also, where I learned gas/jet engines, generators, hydraulics, electricity /electronics, heating and air conditioning, etc. I think I would have a good chance, but I'm getting too old to be of much physical use. I'm a big fan of The Walking Dead, or used to be before Glen got killed, so I got the zombie apocalypse covered also. LOL The basics provided by technology are simple for electricity generation and such. You would definitely have a use for SOME technologies. Back to basics.
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