Sonic Mania Review

Back in the 16-Bit era, with awesome SNES games, with incredible graphics at the time, such as Donkey Kong Country, I was really looking forward to that next level in 2D graphics. Instead what we got was long loading time and blocky polygon graphics. I knew that the polygons were going to be part of the deal, was excited about that, but I expected just as many next level 2D games. 2D Games that took advantage of the extra power and colors.

And that's my problem with this game. That while it has many technical improvements, the sprites are blocky to give it that "nostalgic" 16-Bit feeling. Rather than taking advantage of the vast processing power and using 4k sprites.

Yes, the public felt that there hasn't been a true Sonic game since the Genesis game, but they're talking about the game play. It doesn't have to be exactly like a Genesis game (I know the graphics are technically better.) Just make a 4k sprite based Sonic game.
I can't stand this 80s revival , baywatch, sonic , Alien , doom etc Why on earth am I going to play or watch these things ? I did it once in the 80s . Just do something new ... Original ideas.
I can't stand this 80s revival , baywatch, sonic , Alien , doom etc Why on earth am I going to play or watch these things ? I did it once in the 80s . Just do something new ... Original ideas.

Good news for you! Sonic is undoubtedly a product of the 90s, as is his original console for half of the world.

(So is Doom, btw)
I can't stand this 80s revival , baywatch, sonic , Alien , doom etc Why on earth am I going to play or watch these things ? I did it once in the 80s . Just do something new ... Original ideas.

Good news for you! Sonic is undoubtedly a product of the 90s, as is his original console for half of the world.

(So is Doom, btw)
Alien was also released in 79
Baywatch (as we know it, Pammy, Hoff) started in 91
Quite a lot of us loved these as kids and feel that modern games (us now being adults) don't fit in with our lifestyle and need a game we can drop in and out of for 15 minutes at a time - This fills the void, along with the new nintendo mini's and the switch.

We want more! Give us Golden Axe 2, Final Fight, TMNTTINT, SOR2/3. Sell them for £15 and watch the money roll in.
I never really left the 16/32 bit era. Modern realistic games are flashy and all. But games like COD and the like leave me wanting... something!
Games have become so fixated on graphics, mechanics, design, basically looks; they've lost the game aspect. I'm not saying pong is better than call of duty 37 or metal gear 75 or whatever number they're on but I also miss the old stuff, I regularly play.
Vice city is still my favourite of the series. Final DOOM, metal slug, virtua fighter... sonic pre-dreamcast!
It's nice to see new renditions of old games that match the original style. If they went all 4K smoothed out with this it would have flopped like many other attempts at redoing games have.
Retro games are and should be for retro gamers. There's a LOT of us out here in the world. And we buy games. Let's keep that in mind as we pound "poor" graphics into the ground.

Oh, in reply to fpschris up there, I'd second a motion for a redo of golden axe 2! The other two must have some day redos being gauntlet and altered beast. Both have a LOT of potential to keep the old style and pair it with modern space to flush out massive games, along with the golden axe games.

Could you imagine shining in the darkness with 650mb of space or 4gb on a DVD? 5 hour dungeons! Hey I'd love to see castle of the winds pushed up to 32bit windows with new levels; despite it's simplicity it's still one of my favourite games of all time!
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Yes, the public felt that there hasn't been a true Sonic game since the Genesis game, but they're talking about the game play. It doesn't have to be exactly like a Genesis game (I know the graphics are technically better.) Just make a 4k sprite based Sonic game.

Agreed. Rayman Origins shows that it's possible to make a 2D platformer look great. Retro graphics feel to me like laziness, the easy way out.