Sony predicts it will make $300 million from PC gaming this year


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In brief: Sony's embracing of the PC platform reaped rewards to the tune of $80 million during the last fiscal year, but that's nothing compared with what's to come. The Japanese company has told investors that this year will see PC gaming bring in a massive $300 million in net sales.

In a business segment briefing for shareholders titled PlayStation: The Road to Profitable Transformation, Sony writes about the unprecedented demand for its PlayStation 5—something anyone who's tried to buy one knows all about.

An interesting part of the briefing for PC owners is the section that examines Sony's growth on the platform. Net sales more than doubled in the most recent financial year, which ended March 31, 2022, to $80 million, which Sony attributes to the PC releases of Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, and God of War.

That amount pales in comparison to the $300 million Sony predicts the PC gaming segment will earn the company by the end of next March. Yet, the only announced game from the PlayStation PC publishing label is Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

It seems Sony expects much of that $300 million to come from its $3.6 billion acquisition of Bungie, which analysts say could net it around $200 million in revenue per year across all sources. But Sony also projects to have three live service games by the end of the next financial year, meaning we'll see more of these type of games joining Destiny 2.

It's good news for future Sony games on the PC, too. The company predicts around 15% to 20% of its releases in the coming year will be on PC, with that figure rising to almost 30% by the end of 2025. All of which is good news for those waiting to see Ghost of Tsushima and Bloodborne get the PC treatment.

h/t: PC Gamer

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Certainly has yet to feel like Sony is embracing PC (especially in contrast to MS). But maybe with this outlook, they'll push harder into the space...