TechSpot Giveaway: 27-inch monitor, iPad, GTX 460??

**Voted 128 GB SSD**
The 128 GB SSD Hard drive would be a very nice addition. They are pricey or I would get one for myself. The increased load times of apps and my os would be a blessing because ssds are faster than even the 15000 RPM HDDs out there from what I've read.
I'd go for the Ipad. I can sell it for more bucks and then buy some of those other prizes listed :) now that's smart
i choose CPU/mobo/memory combo couse my old system mobo and cpu are quite old well ewerything is quite old but this wuold be the best upgrade to my system.
Apple Ipad :) I always wanted one since they came out! Would really appreciate winning! Thanks for this awesome contest! Just made a account but been reading your site for a long time! Didn't ever comment. Thanks again! :)
Personally I'd have a really unique high-end case. Think about it at the end of the day with all your $2000 worth of hardware you DON'T want to put it in a $100 case, most of the time. SSD would be nice but it would have to be a FAST 128GB or a larger size with regular SSD speed.
iPad. I never thought I'd pick it but I'm a hardcore Starcraft 2 player and I find massive LCD monitors are NOT enjoyable to play on. Simple scrolling across the screen [I know pros use hotkeys to snap to units] is a nightmare.
I voted for the big monitor! Please include me in the raffle. Thanks techspot, my #1 source for techy news =).
I thought about it hard and although the iPad kept coming up in my head, I didn't really want it. I'm not sure I can really use another Apple product in my life. I will say a 27" will be pretty cool to have for the future, especially since I like large resolutions on my monitors. An SSD is cool but I have a Macbook that does NOT support TRIM....although their newest OS was just released. I must admit, I was intrigued by the GTX 460 as it's a hot card right now, BUT that would mean building a desktop for myself. External Hard Drive? Dime a dozen. How many MP3's can I possibly hold?

In the end, I went for the 27" monitor.