Tencent tells China's gaming youth that the 3 hours per week time limit won't be relaxed...


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In context: For most children, the summer holidays are a time for fun and games. But China's under 18s won't be enjoying much of the latter, at least when it comes to the online variety. Tencent has told the nation's youth not to expect a relaxation of harsh online gaming time limits during the seven-week holidays, despite rumors to the contrary.

It was back in August last year when China tightened its already harsh restrictions on online gaming for those under 18. Previously, minors could access online games for one and a half hours on weekdays and three hours on holidays and weekends. This was slashed to just one hour, between 8 pm and 9 pm local time, on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

There had been rumors that restrictions would be eased during the summer, with children allowed to play online titles for one hour every day of the week. Tencent Games dashed those hopes with a post that read, "Did you hear that gamers can play every day during the summer holiday? There might be a bit of a misunderstanding."

"It's better to breathe in some fresh air instead of getting addicted to playing games," the company added (via SCMP).

Tencent also warned under 18s not to buy or rent game accounts to circumvent the restrictions. It added that a new version of its facial recognition system, introduced last year to stop minors from using older relatives' accounts, was being implemented.

Not surprisingly, there are plenty of dissenting voices; one user even compared it to China's former one-child policy.

China has long held a dim view of video games, calling them "electronic drugs" last year. It also has a strict policy when it comes to granting games licenses—April saw the end of an approval freeze stretching back to July 2021.

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The communists will tell you what's best for you! I feel bad for the people of China and their oppressive government. Funny, here in America we have fools clamoring for a bigger, more oppressive government - perhaps they should move to China!
The best way to teach the kids to hate their government ..... that's a win/win for everyone!
My idea of a living hell is being in a country where a malevolent government controls every aspect of my life, from what I eat to how I spend my free time.....but that's the problem with communism. Even your free time belongs to the state as does everything else. You own nothing, you have nothing and in the eyes of the government, you ARE nothing.
I don't really do multiplayer. Single player games for me. So unless they're monitoring your entire PC (which wouldn't surprise me) then maybe that's the workaround
I can agree with the idea of limiting gaming use to developing minds but the strict enforcement of the CCP is simply unacceptable. Although before online gaming was as common as it was today me and my friends stayed up all night playing Golden Eye, perfect dark and even halo 3 towards the end of highschool. The endless nights of everyone yelling about screen watching, drinking too much mountain dew and eating pizza.

Frankly, I think the group gaming experience was better than the online gaming experience. I still talk with my friends about certain rounds we played and will absurd kills. I don't have personal friends to reminisce about crazy online gaming experiences with, at least not many.
Should be up to the parents to decide how long their child plays a game. This day and age I'd rather my child in a safe controlled environment than out on the streets getting stabbed or shot.
My idea of a living hell is being in a country where a malevolent government controls every aspect of my life, from what I eat to how I spend my free time.....but that's the problem with communism. Even your free time belongs to the state as does everything else. You own nothing, you have nothing and in the eyes of the government, you ARE nothing.
Meh. There are sheep farms all over the globe. Even in the west.
I don't really do multiplayer. Single player games for me. So unless they're monitoring your entire PC (which wouldn't surprise me) then maybe that's the workaround
Single player games don't automatically mean they're played with no required internet connection. This is basic stuff.

I would also imagine MP is dominant, hence the harsh restrictions.
They are just conditioning that generation to be more obedient to the government. The micro managing of their lives by the Chinese government will continue and grow.
"It's better to breathe in some fresh air instead of getting addicted to playing games,"
wow. I've spend some time in China (Beijing), and 'fresh air' is definitely not a name I'd use for that weird substance you supposed to breath in. Even with a mask I constantly felt iron taste in my mouth plus dust was everywhere. The only safe option was to just sit down in hotel / office with air filters and sealed off from the outside world. Cars left outside for 2-3 days had a thick layer of dust cover.
Wonderful their government focuses on well-being of kids.... not. lol.

That is how do you train and brainwash future slaves.

Should be up to the parents to decide how long their child plays a game. This day and age I'd rather my child in a safe controlled environment than out on the streets getting stabbed or shot.
While I agree with the second part, unfortunatelly parents are way too often people kids should actually not spend too much time with. Many of them are ones, who does the stabbing or shotting.
Some bootlegged PDFs, a printer or some cheap tablets, polyhedral dice and a whole summer of fun playing a game where they get to liberate China and blast Xi Jinping with lightening bolts before turning him into a pig and tossing him into Mount Doom.

Sometimes it’s better to keep your people distracted with bread and circuses.

Oh, and not all games are designed to keep people addicted, turning them into soulless husks so you can milk them. Why ban a game like Kerbal Space Program that has literally inspired people to go down the science career path?
They are just conditioning that generation to be more obedient to the government. The micro managing of their lives by the Chinese government will continue and grow.

Sounds familiar, the US and it's education system are doing the same thing.