TightVNC with Windows 7


Posts: 43   +1
Good afternoon,
I'm experiencing issues with tightvnc and windows 7 OS. Anytime I remotely install a program and the program or service calls for permissions (access or allow) TightVNC just freezes. The only way I might t get it to work is if someone else clicks on the OK or allow on the actual PC.
is this a bug or any way around this?

Thank You!
Anytime I remotely install a program
The far-end system is configured (properly imo) to prompt for all system changes.

The solution is
a) disable UAC on the far-end machine (strongly discouraged!!!)
b) connect to the far-end as admin (also strongly discouraged!!!)

An alternative might be to RUNAS /USER:ADMINISTRATOR CMD
and run the install in the new cmd window
Have you experience the same issue with tightvnc? do you recommend another program to login remotely?