Toshiba sattelite p50-b-11v

I was rebooting my pc and them he run out of battery. now when I turn it on it alway shows a black screen with the same message.
I have windows 10

Can someone help me to fix this please?
Enter BIOS and confirm that the hard drive is recognised. Do you have any memory cards or external storage media still attached to the laptop? Even an SD card in an SD card slot can cause the laptop to fail to boot if BIOS is set to search removable media first.

If BIOS is not showing your hard drive you have bigger issues. That would suggest a failed hard drive.

If it is showing and removable media is not the issue - try booting the laptop and at the Toshiba boot screen press F1, 0 or F8 to enter the recovery mode. That should then run diagnostics to ascertain further what the issue is.
Power the laptop on and then repeatedly press the F1 key. That should bring you into the BIOS menu. You then want to look in devices or drives and see if it shows a SATA hard disk.