Turn 10 will remove loot boxes from Forza 7 by this winter

Cal Jeffrey

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A hot potato: Are developers starting to listen to players’ gripes about loot boxes and microtransactions? I won’t start holding my breath. However, at least one developer is pulling loot boxes from its current hot product and possibly from future offerings as well.

Turn 10 Studios, the makers of the Forza series of racing games announced today that it would be removing loot boxes (called Prize Crates) from Forza Motorsports 7. The change will not come until this winter though. Studio chief Alan Hartman explained that the loot box system is tightly woven into the fabric of Forza 7, which is why it is going to take so long to undo it.

“Due to the complexity of removing prize crates from the game – while keeping access to Driver Gear, Mods and Badges – we expect that this process will be completed in the winter timeframe,” Hartman said.

Developers have already made changes to the Prize Crates so that they only give out cosmetic items instead of cars and items that give a competitive advantage. Mainly players will find Driver Gear, badges, and mods, but eventually, the loot boxes will be entirely eliminated.

However, Prize Crates are not the only thing on the Forza chopping block. Hartman also said the studio would be doing away with paid tokens. Tokens have been around for a while in Forza but had not yet been implemented in FM7.

“Paid tokens – which were a part of previous Forza games – will not be coming to Forza Motorsport 7 or Forza Horizon 4,” said the studio boss.

Forza Horizon 4 is not due out until October, which shows that Turn 10 is looking ahead at least that far with its new MT philosophy. Whether it extends beyond that we will have to wait and see.

The changes appear to have stemmed from player feedback. The Forza Motorsports 7 launch was something of a fiasco and fans of the series were very vocal about it. Turn 10 seems to be listening and working to make changes to appease player distress, which is refreshing in an industry filled with developers who want microtransactions come hell or high water.

Permalink to story.

I don't like the numerous car packs gimmick. If you want a DLC car you can't really earn it, you just got to pay for the pack and you get ONE of each car in the pack, JUST ONE, you can buy another with in game $. I want to be able to to just buy the base game and earn the others on my own or..if they must.. a much much cheaper option that lets me unlock them to earn on my own.
I don't like the numerous car packs gimmick. If you want a DLC car you can't really earn it, you just got to pay for the pack and you get ONE of each car in the pack, JUST ONE, you can buy another with in game $. I want to be able to to just buy the base game and earn the others on my own or..if they must.. a much much cheaper option that lets me unlock them to earn on my own.
Yes. Not to mention, that money from races in FH3 was insufficient to buy top tier cars. They made it boring grind afterall.
Isn't the next Forza game coming soon? This just sounds like they are attempting to please Forza fans and create hype for the next game by doing some good at the end of this game's life cycle (revenue wise). Not many are paying for mtx so late.
I don't believe the "Listening to Fans" theory, I think they have come to realize that in these type of games the "Whale" gamers are not covering the cost of less copies sold, and the bad PR attached to the franchise and the Studio. I'm actually glad we don't have those type of people playing these games
I don't believe the "Listening to Fans" theory, I think they have come to realize that in these type of games the "Whale" gamers are not covering the cost of less copies sold, and the bad PR attached to the franchise and the Studio. I'm actually glad we don't have those type of people playing these games
Yeah, and the Forza games are not actually cheap. Even in the sale it doesn't go under 30 bucks. Now it is 50 bucks and that's 2 years old game. I just got the same age BF1 for 15 eur. Who would be willing to pay further?
Great news unfortunately I do not think this has anything to do with "Listening to Fans". Its a simple cost vs profit calculation. Single player games vs online server time! If the loot boxes were making more money than the cost of the server time then you can bet they would keep them, in this case it does not make them money so why use up the server time. They were just trying to get some "Whale" gamers. GTA online cracked, it now all the other game devs want a slice.