Using old server as a test server

I will go so quick in the theme. what should I be aware of if I wanna turn on my old server?
First thing the old server has the same IP address as the new server, and thats would be a problem if I started it too in the same network.
What points should I work on it or think of it before starting my server?
What can I do after that?
And how?

Best regards
Since we don't have many details it will be difficult to give you a correct answer. Things to consider as you stated are conflicting IP addresses. Beyond that it is important to note the hardware stack and the OS installed. As to what you can do on a server, it depends on the applications and roles assigned to the server. Are you looking for ideas on what to focus on with it or how to install some server software? Also it would help to note the make and model as well as OS to give you any answer.
Yes the IP duplicate is a real problem.

Two choices:
  1. run it as a non-public test bed on your LAN
  2. get another DNS registration for the test system so it can be accessed publicly

On (1), just RESERVE one of the 2-254 nodes in your DHCP range and hard assign that (so it operates as a static address). You'll use the address instead of a name for access.