Valve games now available through digital distributor Impulse


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Digital video game distributor Impulse, now owned by GameStop, has announced a new deal with developer and publisher Valve that will see some of the company's most popular PC games available for purchase through Impulse’s digital service.

“Some of the greatest, most creative games of the past decade (and the one before that) are now available! Legendary developer/publisher Valve is now available! Whether you enjoy hitting things with crowbars, the power of gravity, making holes in walls or making large holes in the undead, Valve's games will suck you in and won't let you go! There's more quality game play here than you can shake a crowbar at,” Impulse posted on its website when announcing the news yesterday.

It appears an odd choice at first glance considering the popularity of the Steam platform, but users purchasing Valve titles will still be required to download and run them through Steam, which means the gaming giant will get new users as well as earning a small percentage share of sales with one of its competitors.

Valve will limit some of the titles available through Impulse, although favorites like Left for Dead and Left for Dead 2 will be available for purchase. As will Portal 2, the sequel to the award winning Portal title which took the industry by storm, earning the developers over 70 industry awards and creating a cult-like following.

The complete Half Life series will also be offered, including all sequels and expansions for those wanting their fix of scientist Gordon Freeman as he pursues his mission to save the alien-infested Earth. The Half Life Complete collection also includes Valve’s Team Fortress Classic title.

Also available will be their popular Orange Box bundle comprising Half Life 2, as well as Episodes 1 and 2, the original Portal game, and Team Fortress 2, which is now available as a free to play game through Steam.

Valve has not commented on whether they plan to offer more titles for Impulse users in the future.

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I may be missing the point, but why would valve choose to sell their games on another digital distribution site when they already have the most used and highest rated digital site and platform out there?
Because the games still require steam to play. Impulse customers who buy valve titles likely don't have steam. This way they have to use steam which means they will now be seeing steams catalog of games and weekly deals and will likely become a steam customer over time. So in the end they are drawing in new customers and getting paid to do it (from the valve titles sold through impulse).
@justgivemeaname Gamestop sells retail copies of Valve games so it only makes sense for them to carry it digitally too. Both parties have more to gain than lose from this deal imo, even though from the outside it looks strange. However I doubt this will mend fences with PC gamers who got burnt over the years by Gamestop.
Guest said:
Can't believe I'm saying this, but Steam sold out... yuk.

Sold out??? This is a very smart move, putting some Valve recognition into a predominantly console business. And still requiring STEAM to actually download and run the games means the potential of new customers being exposed to (and subsequently hooked on) the STEAM platform & library. They already sell the box versions on the shelves of Gamestop, how is leveraging their competing Impulse system to garner more sales in any way selling out? It won't affect STEAM's methods or operation at all, simply opens up another avenue for sales.
Guest said:
Can't believe I'm saying this, but Steam sold out... yuk.

How does one sell out if the product was already released and is not affected by these actions?

Holy cow, if Valve keeps its games to itself everyone yells, MONOPOLY, if Valve puts their games on another platform, SELLOUTS.