Watch Apple's attempt at getting people to buy its $300 book


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For those who don’t know, Apple released a physical book last month that shows off its 20 years of designs through 450 photographs. The ‘cheaper,’ 10.20” x 12.75” version costs a bargain $199, but, if you really want to stand out from the crowd, the $299 13” x 16.25” option could be a better buy.

If, for some bizarre reason, you’ve not felt compelled to splash out almost one-third of a thousand dollars on some glossy pictures of iMacs and Apple Pencils, the company has just released a simply stunning promo video for “Designed by Apple in California.”

Apple’s Chief of Design, Jony Ive, fronts the clip, which, if you’re able to watch all the way to the end, will doubtlessly convince you to buy a book of photos that costs the same price as an iPad Air. After all, money shouldn’t be a factor when it comes to a publication that uses specially milled German paper, gilded matte silver edges, and low-ghost inks, whatever the hell they are.

While Ive reminds us that “Ideas are not predictable in terms of when you’ll have them, and how many you’re going to have,” he doesn’t really explain why the book is so comically expensive. It may be constructed from materials that sound like they’re from an RPG, but it seems this is another case of Apple’s “it’s expensive, which makes it great” marketing at play.

Still, nothing would show just how rich and gullible you are than having a copy of “Designed by Apple in California” sitting on your gold and diamond-encrusted coffee table.

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This has to be one of the most hilarious thing I have seen in a while!

Yes, it would be cool to see how things have changed over time but the fact that they made a fancy picture book, the price and the guy's sales pitch in the video... all my lols.

Seriously, it's just pictures. No additional details explaining anything! So basically the book is your very own Apple Museum. Which you should buy because Apple said you should.

While there are plenty of books out there that I think are silly, just because I think its silly doesn't mean it is silly for everyone. I can not make that choice for others. If someone wants it for the price they charge, then that decision is theirs. Over all, I would recommend against it though. To me, this is the pinnacle point of the flawed western concept of consumerism.
So, from a designer stand point this might be interesting, yet to me unattractive and too expensive.

To me, this is the pinnacle point of the flawed western concept of consumerism.
That and biasing news:
Still, nothing would show just how rich and gullible you are than having a copy of “Designed by Apple in California” sitting on your gold and diamond-encrusted coffee table.
I understand that those who write like or need to put their 2 cents, but to me this article ending is as much as the price they are asking.
I want a few. Where can I buy them. $300 ea? BARGAIN!!! If they can rush the consumer $170 for those ridiculous looking things you're supposed to stuff in your ears (assuming you haven't lost one of the pair yet) then walk around looking like a professional clown, $300 for something to put your coffee mug on probably is. I dunno though, I can't understand that kind of mentality.
I have just looked through the pages in 5 minutes:

And it looks like with Apple, text in a book is overrated, or else it would cost 3 times more. In other words, they've got absolutely nothing to say for themselves, not even for $300.
I have just looked through the pages in 5 minutes:

And it looks like with Apple, text in a book is overrated, or else it would cost 3 times more. In other words, they've got absolutely nothing to say for themselves, not even for $300.

There's as much blank space on those pages as there is between the ears of anyone who thinks this book is worth buying.
It's a cool book for sure, nice coffee table material, but its a little costly at $300. $150 would be more reasonable but still overpriced.
You all need to rush right out and buy a few cases of books each! They make excellent door stops, paperweights, and if your into pretty pictues ...... WELL! Do this today! Dividend checks will be coming out and I need the cash!!!! ROFL
LOL this voice is in so many joke videos that I started laughing right after playing the video before even hearing what nonsense this dude is talking about ...
This is clever. How much free marketing is Apple getting for putting a high price tag on a book? Not only that but it reinforces their premium brand and image. Apple don't care if the book even makes a loss! This is one of the reasons why Apple is the most successful company in the world at the moment.
I hate crapple with a passion, but the guilty ones here are the iSheeple who again and again, encouraged them to sell overpriced mediocre stuff. Unfortunately, this phenomena is not restricted to them - gamer crowd is very similar in behaviour with iSheeple.
I have never met an intelligent person who uses the term "isheep".
This, to me, perfectly illustrates how Apple is altogether way too impressed with itself and how their conceit is such that they truly believe how incredibly important they are. This is not a nice trait IMO.