Well That's Silly, Even by My Standards


Posts: 19,690   +8,831
Our software apparently has a function which catalogs, "how many likes did the first message receive". As one might expect, the most often number is "0".

Well, most of us here in the forum aren't so inclined to read an article and then give it a like or a thumbs down. We're more inclined to give each others posts like or dislikes, depending on the humor, agreement with, or the argument value each has to offer.

IMHO, rating the "likes" an article itself receives is very misleading, to the point where it seems none of the articles are any good.

Whether or not the news item itself receives a "like", has absolutely no bearing on whether or not the article was well received or entertaining. A better benchmark might be how many likes the member's posts received, as a measure of how engaging the story eventually. became. Just one possibility, there are of course many others staff might pursue.

Actually, I'm suggesting at the very least to kill the "likes received by the first post " function, even if no intent exists to improve upon it.
When you mouse directly over the number of replies to the thread...........um, just right. You have to center the cursor directly over the number in the "Views" column.

OK, to be clear this happens at the sub forum level, say, "Techspot News and Comments".

I'm running Windows 7 and Firefox
Wow, I have never noticed this. It does seem silly, but then being a hidden feature, I don't see how it's hurting anything.
Wow, I have never noticed this. It does seem silly, but then being a hidden feature, I don't see how it's hurting anything.
So, should I rename the thread, "Well that's silly, but I'm being picayune as well"...... :confused:

To be fair though, I'm not claiming "the sky is falling", or. "the end of the world is nigh", but I still think the articles should get a fair shake.

OTOH agreed, I did take me 5 years, (give or take), to even find the feature..