What are your favorite tech related YouTube channels?


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Hey everyone, I'm trying to learn more about computers and trying to teach myself what I need to get A+ certified and get a job in the tech world. I've found a number of cool YouTube channels that deal with tech related stuff and showing you how to do things, but do any of you have any favorite channels for this kind of stuff? I've found Professor Messer's channel and TwitTV and love both of them.
I don't visit youtube much, but I prefer getting my tech info here at TechSpot. In my opinion if I need an answer, I just ask in here & get it. (y)
Plus the video media format is pretty poor to give out information. Facts are best black & white on paper ..
True.... I'll accept any other sources to learn from too. I've really enjoyed this site and will continue to, but it's very slow paced for me to cram for this exam if you know what I mean.
What kind of exam? I don't think you'll find good info here that'd help on an exam. What you will find, is a nice amount of real-world situations with solutions. :)
I'm studying for the Comptia A+ exam to give me a baseline for a career change. It's a lot of hardware, networking, windows, and troubleshooting. I'm honestly looking for anything that can help me learn about how computers work and breaking up my studies between forums, books, and videos.
Okay, the troubleshooting part you may find here! And a little bit of the rest. Good luck!