What Ever Happened to GeoCities?

My religion teacher in elementary school had a geocities website with flying glittery mother mary icons and floating crosses and some other weird stuff. He was totally not a weirdo.
Good times.
Yahoo once was THE portal, it was THE place on the net, but today, even though it is still around it is not as desired nor as needed as once it was.

I remember they charged MONEY to rate your site. Google did away with that. TG!
If I recall Geocities changed their terms of service with some language saying they owned the content you posted. After that it was a mad dash to leave the site for content creators.
If I recall Geocities changed their terms of service with some language saying they owned the content you posted. After that it was a mad dash to leave the site for content creators.
the artical above already mentioned that, in fact, that was a main point.
One thing that I do hate of the web is how little the "web" cares for its own history.

Archive.org WayBackMachine is awesome but many of the flash powered sites are simply gone.

Honestly, I would love to revisit my old MySpace page and laugh at it.
GeoCities was my entry point into HTML coding! Building a webpage from scratch felt like a huge achievement back then. It's intriguing how the internet has progressed from those basic personal sites to the dynamic, interconnected web we have now. Nostalgia hits hard reading about its rise and fall.