Who do you live near?

NetCablesPlus said:
Interesting point, but cannot prove it by me. I married a New York girl...

I would bang a NY girl not marry tho ima sox fan. Got a big B on my arm for boston. Sox and yankees fans dont mix.
wazza said:
Soxs suck. Baseball sucks. Supporting more entertaining sports eg: soccer and cricket.

Well, when i got older i realized that baseball is not so bad afterall. They are the most paid sport!

Football is my Favorite.

Anyhow, not a sports forum..I plan on moving down south. The people, well most of them are great and so is the culture. Life is much more relaxed, in the city its like Life goes fast. Life is short but living in the country helps you enjoy it.

Anyone live downsouth? O and Flordia females omg :slurp:
wazza said:
Soxs suck. Baseball sucks. Supporting more entertaining sports eg: soccer and cricket.

If only you came to Boston......it'd be....well....interesting to see what happens ;) .
Myzz617 said:
Anyone live downsouth?

Yeah, but most people around here are complete *****s. Can't tell the difference between a Mopar and a Ford wheel. It's simple. The one that can withstand more beatings is the Mopar wheel! ;)
Ottawa, Canada and for those of you who don't know what the capital of Canada is, now you do. Nepean is a suburb of Ottawa.
Ivan Svabo said:
not much of U Europeans from east Europe
Im from Zagreb, capital of Croatia

Are Estonia and Latvia anywhere near Serbia and Croatia? I was pretty sure they're all like former Warsaw Pact client states or something. If they are, you're close to Nodsu.
hum; In my neighborhood, the nearest neighbor is Venus and on the other side is Mars :)
Hi, I live in Southport, sometimes confused w/Southpark.., Florida. It is 2 towns north of good ol' Panama City-favorite spot for Spring Breakers! I myself like the Asheville, NC area...
Hi!,guess what i live in saturn....JUST JOKING.i live in united kingdom,great britain,england.haha they're all the same place.thee city is birmingham.
Upmisnter, Essex, England =]

I'm 15 so don't even try to hunt me down and drag me into your bed..unless you ask nicely then i'll come willingly ;] xD
I live in Brighton on the southcoast of England.

ita alright, its a city but aint that big. It's also known as the gay capital of England (although I personally am straight) and little london by the sea

Don't know and don't care,there's no need to say where you live because it says that under the amount of posts you done.
Am i right?